to study

listen to the pronunciation of to study
English - Turkish
ders çalışmak
{f} incelemek

Dilleri incelemek inanılmazdır. - Studying languages is incredible.

Biz Japon tarihini incelemek için müzeye gittik. - We went to the museum to study Japanese history.


Paris'e çalışmaya gitmeden önce Fransızcamı tazelemek zorundayım. - Before going to study in Paris, I have to brush up on my French.

Yarın on saat çalışmak zorunda kalacağım. - I'll have to study ten hours tomorrow.


O kadar çok televizyon izlemeseydi, çalışmak için daha fazla zamanı olurdu. - If he did not watch so much television, he would have more time for study.

Dışarıdaki gürültü sinirime dokunduğu için canım çalışmak istemedi. - I didn't feel like studying because the noise outside was getting on my nerves.

{i} araştırma

Araştırma turuna katıldım. - I joined the study tour.

Okyanus araştırmasının geleceğini onun geçmişiyle tahmin edeceksek birçok heyecan verici keşifleri elbette dört gözle bekleriz. - If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries.

{i} öğrenim

Gelecek yıl yurtdişinda öğrenim yapmak istiyorum. - I want to study abroad next year.

Cambridge Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim zorluğu çok yüksek olmasına rağmen, çok sayıda öğrencinin hâlâ dışarı çıkmak ve eğlenmek için zamanı var. - Although the pressure of studying at the University of Cambridge is very high, many students still have time to go out and have fun.

{i} tetkik

Profesör Kay kırk yıldır böcekleri araştırmaktadır. - Professor Kay has been studying insects for forty years.

Bilimin gerçek tanımı, dünyanın güzelliğini araştırmaktır. - The real definition of science is that it's the study of the beauty of the world.

{i} tahsil

İngilizce öğrenmek için Amerika'ya gitti. - He went to America to study English.

Çince öğrenmek çok zor gibi görünse de, düşündüğünüz kadar zor değil. - Although it seems very difficult to study Chinese, it's not as hard as you think.

{f} okumak, ... öğrenimi görmek: He's studying study for the ministry papaz olmak için okumak, papazlık eğitimi görmek
{i} araştırma konusu
{i} görülecek şey
{i} çalışma odası

Çalışma odasında bir sürü kitap var. - There are plenty of books in his study.

Sık sık kendini çalışma odasına kapatır ve böyle şeyler yazar. - He often shuts himself up in the study and writes things like this.


Çince öğrenmek çok zor gibi görünse de, düşündüğünüz kadar zor değil. - Although it seems very difficult to study Chinese, it's not as hard as you think.

Tom Fransızca öğrenme niyetiyle Fransaya geldi. - Tom came to France with the intention of studying French.

okulda okumak
etüt etmek
öğrenim görmek

Neden yurtdışında öğrenim görmek istiyorsunuz? - Why do you want to study abroad?

Öğrenim görmek için İngilizce konuşan bir ülkeye gidemiyorsanız, belki İngilizce öğrenmenize yardım edebilecek yakında yaşayan ana dili İngilizce olan birini bulabilirsiniz. - If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English.

tahsil etmek
tahsil görmek
ders çalışma
çalışmak (ders)

Yıldızları incelemek için bir gözlemevi yaptı. - He built an observatory to study the stars.

Bir portre yapmaya hazırlanırken, arkadaşlarım konuyu yakından incelemek için bir sürü fotoğraf çeker. - In preparation for painting a portrait, my friend takes many photographs in order to study the subject closely.

(çimke) bandıkmak
öğrenimi görmek

Biz aynı sınıfta İngilizce öğrenimi görmekteyiz. - We study English in the same class.

{f} çalış

Ama sonra o Londra'da dilleri çalışan bir öğrenci olan Jane Wilde'a aşık oldu. - But then he fell in love with Jane Wilde, a student studying languages in London.

Paris'e çalışmaya gitmeden önce Fransızcamı tazelemeliyim. - Before going to study in Paris, I must brush up on my French.


Yurtdışında okuma kararım ebeveynlerimi şaşırttı. - My decision to study abroad surprised my parents.

Yurtdışında okumaya karar verdim. - I decided to go abroad to study.

ders çalışmak
okul okumak
{f} gözetmek
{f} çalışma yapmak

Çalışma yapmak için çok yorgunum. - I'm too tired to do study.

{i} taslak
{f} çabalamak
{i} müz. etüt
{i} ön çalışma
araştırma konusu veya sahası
alıştırma taslak
{f} okumak

Üniversitede ne okumak istiyorsun? - What do you want to study at college?

On aydır Çin'de okumaktayım. - I've been studying in China for ten months.


Biz Japon tarihini incelemek için müzeye gittik. - We went to the museum to study Japanese history.

Diğer galaksilerde hayat olsa bile, insanın onları incelemek için ışık hızında seyahat etmesi imkansızdır. - Even if there is life in other galaxies, it is impossible for man to travel at the speed of light to study them.

{i} deneme

Kütüphanede çalışmayı denemek isteyebilirsin. - You might want to try studying in the library.

Biraz daha çok çalışmayı denemeni tavsiye ediyorum. - I recommend you try studying a bit harder.

(Askeri) TETKİK, İNCELEME, ETÜD: Mevcut bilgi ve gerçek esasların dikkatli şekilde değerlendirilmesine dayanarak, belirli bir şart veya durumun ayrıntılı olarak gözden geçirilişi
{f} eğitimini görmek
kalem tecrübesi
{i} rol ezberleme
{i} çoğ. dersler; araştırmalar
{f} (ders) çalışmak: I've got to study math tonight. Bu gece matematik çalışmam gerek

Öğretmenin konuşması, Mary'nin daha sıkı çalışması için gayrete getirir. - The teacher's talk stimulates Mary to study harder.

{i} etüt
{f} gayret etmek
{i} eskiz
rol ezberleyen kimse
{f} saygılı olmak
English - English
An artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique
To acquire knowledge on a subject

Biologists study living things.

To revise materials already learned in order to make sure one does not forget them, usually in preparation for an examination

I need to study my biology notes.

Mental effort to acquire knowledge or learning

The study of languages is fascinating.

A state of mental perplexity or worried thought

Thenne the kyng sat in a study and bad his men fetche his hors as faste as euer they myghte.

To take a course or courses on a subject

I study medicine at the university.

A room in a house intended for reading and writing; traditionally the private room of the male head of household
To look at minutely

He studied the map in preparation for the hike.

The act of studying; examination

I made a careful study of his sister.

Thought, as directed to a specific purpose; one's concern

My study was to avoid disturbing her.

{v} to muse, meditate, consider attentively
{n} an apartment for books, application to books, thought, attention, contrivance
{f} learn, educate oneself; think about, ponder; examine, investigate; observe; memorize
Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration
A building or apartment devoted to study or to literary work
a state of deep mental absorption; "she is in a deep study"
To apply the mind to; to read and examine for the purpose of learning and understanding; as, to study law or theology; to study languages
A study of a subject is a piece of research on it. Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1000 new mothers are likely to have this problem
To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder
a written document describing the findings of some individual or group; "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"
learn by reading books; "He is studying geology in his room"; "I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now"
If you study, you spend time learning about a particular subject or subjects. a relaxed and happy atmosphere that will allow you to study to your full potential He went to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics The rehearsals make it difficult for her to study for law school exams
To acquire knowledge on a subject through concentration on prepared learning materials
a detailed critical inspection
be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"
All the information collected at a single time or for a single purpose or by a single principal investigator A study may consist of one or more datasets and one or more files Examples: the General Social Survey; A Gallup Poll; the 1990 Census of Population and Housing STF 1A
someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play); "he is a quick study"
a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
A study by an artist is a drawing which is done in preparation for a larger picture
a room used for reading and writing and studying; "he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study" a state of deep mental absorption; "she is in a deep study" applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design" a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing" someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play); "he is a quick study" learn by reading books; "He is studying geology in his room"; "I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now" be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study" give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving
To apply the mind to books or learning
A piece for special practice
be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
Study is the activity of studying. the use of maps and visual evidence in the study of local history She gave up her studies to have Alexander
To endeavor diligently; to be zealous
You can refer to educational subjects or courses that contain several elements as studies of a particular kind. a new centre for Islamic studies She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds
{i} learning; field of learning; thorough investigation; report, analysis; room in which reading or studying is done
applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
a room used for reading and writing and studying; "he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study"
Params: string SPELL, string[] PARAMS
Area Grid Theme – A grid theme used to define the geographic extent of your study area All cells in the grid theme that contain a value are included in the study area;all cells containing 'No Data' are excluded Refer to Set Analysis Parameters Study Area Grid Theme; Weights of Evidence Method, Study Area Theme
A study is a room in a house which is used for reading, writing, and studying. see also studied, case study
level to another
Any preparation, whether in whole or part, carried out by the artist before producing the completed work
A representation or rendering of any object or scene intended, not for exhibition as an original work of art, but for the information, instruction, or assistance of the maker; as, a study of heads or of hands for a figure picture
measure the results to determine whether goals were achieved
attentive consideration and meditation; "after much cogitation he rejected the offer"
Mental occupation; absorbed or thoughtful attention; meditation; contemplation
think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
If you study something, you consider it or observe it carefully in order to be able to understand it fully. I know that you've been studying chimpanzees for thirty years now I invite every citizen to carefully study the document
To make an object of study; to aim at sedulously; to devote one's thoughts to; as, to study the welfare of others; to study variety in composition
If you study something, you look at it or watch it very carefully, in order to find something out. Debbie studied her friend's face for a moment
Not used
be a student of a certain subject; "She is reading for the bar exam"
preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint"
Management report/results based on surveys received
All the information collected at a single time or for a single purpose or by a single principal investigator A study consists of one or more files Examples: the General Social Survey; A Gallup Poll; the 1990 Census of Population and Housing STF 1A
give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving
To form or arrange by previous thought; to con over, as in committing to memory; as, to study a speech
An investigation of the health and/or economic impact of one or more therapies in humans which may or may not involve a randomisation step If a randomisation step is involved, the preferred term is trial
To learn the need and justification for implementing a LAN as an organization's information system The study part of LAN implementation can be further subdivided into two phases These phases are investigation and analysis and a feasibility study
To consider attentively; to examine closely; as, to study the work of nature
A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence, application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge
a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing"
to study


    to stu·dy

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı stʌdi


    /tə ˈstədē/ /tə ˈstʌdiː/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... the study of populations of humans and non-human species that includes viruses like influenza, ...
    ... study has shown the people in the middle-class will see $4,000.00 per year in higher taxes ...