to stockpile

listen to the pronunciation of to stockpile
English - Turkish
istifçilik yapmak
stokçuluk yapmak
(Askeri,Ticaret) yedek stok
stok yapmak
hammadde stoğu
istifçilik yapmak
stokçuluk yapmak
çok miktarda biriktirmek
{f} stokla

Yiyecek ve suyu stokladınız mı? - Did you stockpile food and water?

{i} stok

Yiyecek ve suyu stokladınız mı? - Did you stockpile food and water?

İDHAR EDİLMİŞ STOK, YEDEK STOK: Devam eden harekat için tedarik yetkisi verilmiş ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizat miktarı. Yedek stoklar; genellikle, tedarik ekonomisi, tedarik güçlükleri ve beklenmedik dağıtım icaplarından olarak, normal ikmal seviyeleri yerine veya bunlara ilaveten tesis olunur
{i} stoklanan hammadde
{i} yedeklik stok
English - English
nuclear weapons and components under custody of the U S Department of Defense
something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
A stockpile of things is a large quantity of them that have been stored for future use. The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons. = stock. a large supply of things that is kept ready for use in the future = store stockpile of. to keep adding to a supply of goods, weapons etc that you are keeping ready to use if you need them in the future
have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"
A storage pile of materials Dam face material stripped from the dams at Horsetooth will be stored in stockpiles near each of the dams
{i} supply of materials, materials that have been accumulated and set aside for future use
An accumulation of ore or mineral formed to create a reserve for loading
If people stockpile things such as food or weapons, they store large quantities of them for future use. People are stockpiling food for the coming winter. = hoard
to accumulate a stockpile
a storage pile accumulated for future use
Broken ore accumulated in a heap at the mine's surface, pending treatment or shipment to mill, or a stock of metals kept by a government for emergencies
a supply of something kept safe for future use
Broken ore heaped on surface or prepared areas underground, pending treatment or shipment
{f} accumulate goods for future use
to stockpile


    to stock·pile

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı stäkpayl


    /tə ˈstäkˌpīl/ /tə ˈstɑːkˌpaɪl/


    ... stockpile and how we maintain it, the President has said, of course, as long as nuclear weapons ...
    ... zero by adding to an already bloated stockpile. [pause] ...