to spiral

listen to the pronunciation of to spiral
English - Turkish

Samanyolu galaksimize en yakın sarmal gökada Andromeda'dır. Andromeda 2 milyondan fazla ışık yılı uzaklıktadır. Onun orta çıkıntısı ve spiral kolları 15 derecelik açıyla bize doğru eğiktir. - The spiral galaxy closest to our Milky Way galaxy is Andromeda. Andromeda is over 2 million light-years away. Its central bulge and spiral arms are tilted toward us at a 15 degree angle.

Samanyolu sarmal bir gök adadır. - The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.


Samanyolu galaksimize en yakın sarmal gökada Andromeda'dır. - The spiral galaxy closest to our Milky Way galaxy is Andromeda.

Samanyolu galaksimize en yakın sarmal gökada Andromeda'dır. Andromeda 2 milyondan fazla ışık yılı uzaklıktadır. Onun orta çıkıntısı ve spiral kolları 15 derecelik açıyla bize doğru eğiktir. - The spiral galaxy closest to our Milky Way galaxy is Andromeda. Andromeda is over 2 million light-years away. Its central bulge and spiral arms are tilted toward us at a 15 degree angle.

kıvrılarak gitmek
(Denizbilim) sarmalsı
döne döne gitmek
dönerek hareket etmek
helezoni yay
döne döne inmek/çıkmak
{f} kıvrılarak git
spirallyhelezoni olarak
{f} döne döne gitmek/hareket etmek
(Askeri) SPİRAL: Bir uçağın irtifa kaybetmek için, geniş bir helezon çizerek yaptığı manevra
{i} helozoni yay
helezon ekli alarak
{i} enflasyon sarmalı
{i} bobin
{f} sarmal hareket etmek
{f} helezon çizerek gitmek
(Tıp) Sarmal, helisel, helezoni, helezon şeklinde, helisle ilgili, heliciuus, spiralis
{s} helezonik
{f} sarmal yapmak
helezon teşkil etmek
{i} spiral yay
{s} yay şeklinde
{i} sarmal hareket
(Tıp) Yılansı kıvrımlar
spiral,v.kıvrılarak git: adj.sarmal
English - English
A helix
helical, like a spiral
To move along the path of a spiral or helix

The falling leaves spiralled down from the tree.

To increase continually

Her debts were spiralling out of control.

{n} a curve line winding and receding from its center
{a} winding upwards, turning, curved
{n} helispherical
A 360 degree turn, at least
Twisted, spiral as the placement of leaves emerging from the rhizome
The rotation of the ball on its long axis after it has been passed or punted Skating: A body position in which the skater bends forward, one leg extended backward with a straight knee, the arms extended out to the side
Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis, and at the same time rising or advancing forward; winding like the thread of a screw; helical
form a spiral; "The path spirals up the mountain"
a method of applying reinforcement in which there is not interlacing between individual strands of the reinforcement
The football's rotation when it's thrown (about it's longitudinal axis)
(n) A curved line that begins at an origin point, moves further away from the origin, and decreases in curvature as it travels around the origin A spiral is sometimes referred to as a spiral of Archimedes
in the shape of a coil
{s} of or pertaining to a spiral; twisting around a fixed center point; helical; having a spiral binding (as of a book)
an opaque glass thread wound around a clear rod
flying downward in a helical path with a large radius
a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at ever-greater distances from it
A curve that is the locus of a point that rotates about a fixed point while continuously increasing its distance from that point
ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle
An arrangement of objects along the outline of a coiled spring
A tool for creating spiral-shaped polygons
leaves arranged around a twig in a pattern like candy-cane stripes
flying downward in a helical path with a large radius ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at ever-greater distances from it form a spiral; "The path spirals up the mountain
to wind or move in a spiral course; "the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action"; "black smoke coiling up into the sky"; "the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
a "Jelly Roll" design in a cane where sheets of clay are stacked and rolled to create a spiral design when sliced crossways
Plastic or stainless steel reel with grooves into which film is threaded prior to processing
Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring
{i} curve that twists around a fixed center point; three dimensional curve turning around an axis, helix; something having a spiral-like curve; progressive upward or downward movement
A turn on the ball of one foot with the other foot held loosely in front without weight
A Curve that decreases in radius linearly with angular radius Primary use in electronic design is to create an Inductor
If something spirals or is spiralled somewhere, it grows or moves in a spiral curve. Vines spiraled upward toward the roof A joss stick spiralled smoke. Spiral is also a noun. Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge
A plane curve, not reëntrant, described by a point, called the generatrix, moving along a straight line according to a mathematical law, while the line is revolving about a fixed point called the pole
{f} wind, coil, twist around an axis, form into a spiral, move in a looping or winding fashion; progressively increase or decrease
spi·ral spirals spiralling spiralled in AM, use spiraling, spiraled1. A spiral is a shape which winds round and round, with each curve above or outside the previous one. Spiral is also an adjective. a spiral staircase
disc galaxy having within the disc spiral arms of higher gas density and newly formed stars; may be normal (round bulge) or barred (bulge with straight bar running through it; arms tend to emerge from end of bar)
a nautilus/circular shape commonly seen in fractals
a ball passed or kicked with a spin which propels it further with more accuracy; the ball points the same direction throughout its flight
a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops; "a coil of rope"
If an amount or level spirals, it rises quickly and at an increasing rate. Production costs began to spiral. a spiralling trend of violence The divorce rate is spiralling upwards. Spiral is also a noun. an inflationary spiral. a spiral of debt
The locus of a point P which winds around a fixed point O (called the pole) in such a way that OP is monotonically decreasing Sinusoidal spirals are not true spirals
A movement in which the skater glides on one foot with the upper body bent forwards at the waist with the back arched, and the free leg is held extended at a level above the ice surface higher than the hip of the free leg
If an amount or level spirals downwards, it falls quickly and at an increasing rate. House prices will continue to spiral downwards
Anything which has a spiral form, as a spiral shell
move in a spiral or zigzag course
Any move on which the skater glides along the ice on one skate, with the non-skating leg in the air to the rear
Of or pertaining to a spiral; like a spiral
to spiral


    to spir·al

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı spayrıl


    /tə ˈspīrəl/ /tə ˈspaɪrəl/