to spice

listen to the pronunciation of to spice
English - Turkish
{i} baharat

Açlık en iyi baharattır. - Hunger is the best spice.

Tom, güvece bazı ilginç baharatlar ekledi. - Tom added some interesting spices to the stew.

{i} heyecan
tat veren şey
{f} baharatla

Hangi baharatları kullandın? - What spices did you use?

Sıcak baharatlarından dolayı Kore yemeklerinin seviyorum. - I love Korean food because of the hot spices.

{i} bahar

Tom'un ete koyduğu tek baharat biberdir. - The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper.

Tom, güvece bazı ilginç baharatlar ekledi. - Tom added some interesting spices to the stew.

{f} baharat koymak
lezzet veren şey
ceşni vermek
{f} ilginçleştirmek
baharat katmak
{i} bahar, baharat. f
baharatlı oluş
{i} çeşni
baharat koy
{f} heyecan katmak
baharat gibi güzel kokan şey
{f} çeşni katmak
English - English
To add spice or spices to
plural form of spouse
Any variety of spice
Sweets, candy
{v} to season or mix with spice
{n} a n aromatic substance used in sauces, a smatch
Any part of a plant, other than the leaves, used in flavoring
any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring food
- Also known as ISO-15504 a standard software process assessment method along the same lines as the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
To fill or impregnate with the odor of spices
Figuratively, that which enriches or alters the quality of a thing in a small degree, as spice alters the taste of food; that which gives zest or pungency; a slight flavoring; a relish; hence, a small quantity or admixture; a sprinkling; as, a spice of mischief
Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis An electronic circuit simulator
{f} flavor with a spice, add a spice to; add zest to, make interesting
add herbs or spices to
make more interesting or flavorful; "Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer"
Spice is something which makes life more exciting. To add spice to the debate, they disagreed about method and ideology
To season with spice, or as with spice; to mix aromatic or pungent substances with; to flavor; to season; as, to spice wine; to spice one's words with wit
{i} aromatic vegetable substance used to season food, flavoring; aromatic odor, fragrance; something which adds zest or interest
(Also known as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis ) A circuit simulation technology from Berkeley, California SPICE has been developed into software products for sale from software manufacturers such as Intusoft and OrCAD among others
To render nice or dainty; hence, to render scrupulous
The bark, root, bud, flower, or fruit of plants used primarily to season foods For example, pepper and cinnamon
the property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored
Selected Programs for Improving Catholic Education
aromatic substances of vegetable origin used as a preservative
Spice is drugs, basically Several examples are Glitterstim, Ryll, Carsunum, Lumni-spice, gree spice, and andris
any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring food aromatic substances of vegetable origin used as a preservative make more interesting or flavorful; "Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer
A spice is a part of a plant, or a powder made from that part, which you put in food to give it flavour. Cinnamon, ginger, and paprika are spices. herbs and spices. a row of spice jars
If you spice something that you say or do, you add excitement or interest to it. They spiced their conversations and discussions with intrigue. Spice up means the same as spice. Her publisher wants her to spice up her stories with sex. a discovery which spiced the conversation up quite a bit
Plant matter (usually dried) used to season or flavour food
A vegetable production of many kinds, fragrant or aromatic and pungent to the taste, as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, allspice, ginger, cloves, etc
Roughly defined as the seeds, bark, roots, fruit or flowers of plants although herbs sometimes cross into this distinction
Species; kind
which are used in cookery and to flavor sauces, pickles, etc
nonce word, plural of spouse
to spice

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı spays


    /tə ˈspīs/ /tə ˈspaɪs/


    ... DAVID BECKHAM: Spice Girls, of course. ...
    ... Yeah, so no, Spice Girls is not on the playlist. It's on ...