to shape

listen to the pronunciation of to shape
English - Turkish
{f} şekillendirmek

İşler biçimlenmeye başlıyor. - Things are starting to take shape.

Kazlar V biçiminde uçarlar. - Geese fly in a V shape.

biçim vermek
{f} şekil vermek

Eski ev kötü bir şekildeydi. - The old house was in bad shape.

Modern köprüler şekil olarak benzer. - Modern bridges are similar in shape.


Formda olmak çaba gerektirir. - Being in good shape takes effort.

Siz benden daha çok formdasınız. - You're in better shape than I am.

{i} dış görünüş

Gecenin ortasında uyandım ve yatağımda garip, korkunç bir hayalet gördüm. - I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a strange, scary shape on my bed.

{f} şekil ver

Müzik öfkeye ses, eğlenceye şekil verir. - Music gives sound to fury, shape to joy.

-e bir şekil vermek
demir profil
(Bilgisayar) şekle sokmak
(Gıda) kalıplamak
bir şekle sokmak

Tom bugünlerde kötü durumda. - Tom is in bad shape these days.

Dünya şimdi olduğu durumda olmasa, kimseye güvenemem. - If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.

(Askeri) Avrupa Yüksek Müttefik Kuvvetleri Karargahı (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe)
{f} ortaya çıkmak
{f} yönlendirmek
tertip etmek
{i} endam
{f} şekil almak
{f} gelişmek
{f} biçim almak
{i} hal: All things considered he's in excellent shape. Her şey göz önünde tutulursa sıhhati çok iyi. That firm's in bad
tanzim etmek
{i} düzgün biçim
{f} şekillenmek
{f} kalıbını almak
{i} model

Gecenin ortasında uyandım ve yatağımda garip, korkunç bir hayalet gördüm. - I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a strange, scary shape on my bed.

{i} kalıp
{i} maske
vücuda getirmek
{f} şekillendir

Sosyal normlar, davranışımızı şekillendirir. - Social norms shape our behavior.

Dil, düşündüğümüz şeyi şekillendirme gücüne sahiptir. - Language has the power to shape the way we think.

English - English
To give something a shape and definition

The professor never pretended to the academic prerogative of forcing his students into his own channels of reasoning; he entered into and helped shape the discussion but above all he made his men learn to think for themselves and rely upon their own intellectual judgments.

To manouevre something into a certain shape
The status or condition of something

The used bookshop wouldn't offer much due to the poor shape of the book.

The appearance of something, especially its outline

He cut a square shape out of the cake.

Condition of personal health, especially muscular health

We exercise to keep in good physical shape.

To give influence to
A piece which has been roughly forged nearly to the form it will receive when completely forged or fitted
{v} to form, mold, cast, create, conceive
{n} a form, make, state, external appearance
To image; to conceive; to body forth
A figure with unspecified appearance; especially a geometric figure
If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition. He was still in better shape than many young men The trees were in bad shape from dry rot
A free-form, contiguous region of three-space defined as part of a Compound Shape Shapes may be viewed and edited using CESLab Shape Editor windows
a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"
A shape is a space enclosed by an outline, for example a circle, a square, or a triangle. He suggested that the shapes represented a map of Britain and Ireland
Dress for disguise; guise
(n) The internal spatial relationship of vertices and edges that make up a face or the arrangement of faces on an object Examples of characteristics used to describe a face are the number of edges (sides), the angle between edges, and the ordering of edges around the perimeter Shape is independent of overall scale but not of viewpoint
You can use in the shape of to state exactly who or what you are referring to, immediately after referring to them in a general way. The Prime Minister found a surprise ally today in the shape of Jacques Delors, the Commission President
A two-dimensional area that is formed when a line meets or crosses over itself
The rank and extents of an array Shape can be represented by a rank-one array (vector) whose elements are the extents in each dimension
give a shape or form to; "shape the dough"
any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes through the smoke"
To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to
When something takes shape, it develops or starts to appear in such a way that it becomes fairly clear what its final form will be. In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe the place in Belgium where the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, one of the military commanders of NATO, is based
Shape is an area that is contained within an implied line or is seen and identified because of colour or value change Shapes have two dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or free-form Design in painting is basically the planned arrangement of shapes in a work of art
A model; a pattern; a mold
shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
An element of art and design that pertains to an area set off by one or more of the other elements of art and design
To use hands to roll or mould dough into balls, rolls or other forms
Character or construction of a thing as determining its external appearance; outward aspect; make; figure; form; guise; as, the shape of a tree; the shape of the head; an elegant shape
the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"
Shape refers to form or appearance of a diamond - i e whether the diamond is round, triangular, square, marquise, pear, oval or heart-shaped Step-cut The step cut has rows of facets that resemble the steps of a staircase The emerald cut and the baguette are examples of the step cut
a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life"
To adapt to a purpose; to regulate; to adjust; to direct; as, to shape the course of a vessel
(n ) for an array, the rank and extents The shape may be represented by (integer) rank-one array whose elements are the extents in each dimension
Physics: specific spatial demarcation of a system Esotericism: organization and concentration location of the universal substance; local aggregate of physical , astral or mental more or less organized substance
If something is out of shape, it is no longer in its proper or original shape, for example because it has been damaged or wrongly handled. Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position
You can refer to something that you can see as a shape if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it. Lying in bed we often see dark shapes of herons silhouetted against the moon
alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
Array objects have an attribute called shape which is necessarily a tuple An array with an empty tuple shape is treated like a scalar (it holds one element)
The shape of something that is planned or organized is its structure and character. The last two weeks have seen a lot of talk about the future shape of Europe
This is the general term for all 3D data that can be displayed in Maya Shapes include curves, surfaces, points, etc
Form of embodiment, as in words; form, as of thought or conception; concrete embodiment or example, as of some quality
the supremem headquarters that advises NATO on military matters and oversees all aspects of the Allied Command Europe
the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')
emphasis If you say, for example, that you will not accept something in any shape or form, or in any way, shape or form, you are emphasizing that you will not accept it in any circumstances. I don't condone violence in any shape or form
An ordered tuple of integers that defines the length of each axis in a Lattice
thing with two dimensions -- " a shape with infinite length and zero width " (243)
sometimes used as an alternative to form I tend to use the term as an aspect of form, to mean the configuration of an edge or area, how the surface of the three dimensional object appears so shape is something more two dimensional even if actually moving through space
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the riceballs carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword
The quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or contour
{f} design; mold; form; direct; be formed, be molded
To suit; to be adjusted or conformable
The shape of an object, a person, or an area is the appearance of their outside edges or surfaces, for example whether they are round, square, curved, or fat. Each mirror is made to order and can be designed to almost any shape or size. little pens in the shape of baseball bats sofas and chairs of contrasting shapes and colours The buds are conical or pyramidal in shape These bras should be handwashed to help them keep their shape
Diamonds are fashioned into different shapes, such as round brilliant, pear, oval, marquise, emerald cut, heart, and princess cut(square)
The three dimensional image perceived when one considers the entire artifact
That which has form or figure; a figure; an appearance; a being
The spatial contour the body makes such as curved, angular, twisted, straight, symmetrical, or asymmetrical
If you say that something is the shape of things to come, you mean that it is the start of a new trend or development, and in future things will be like this. British Rail says its new Liverpool Street station is the shape of things to come
having a cross section different from merchant bar
If you are out of shape, you are unhealthy and unable to do a lot of physical activity without getting tired. = unfit fit
the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape" any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes through the smoke" a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life" give a shape or form to; "shape the dough" make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the riceballs carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword
{i} form; model; image; condition; fitness; mold
An area made distinguishable from its surrounding by a linear boundary or a change in color, value, or texture
is an enclosed space defined by other elements of art such as line Shapes are mostly two-dimensional objects
To design; to prepare; to plan; to arrange
is one of the most important criteria in pearl selection Pearls can be divided into four basic shape categories: round, off-round, semi-baroque and baroque
the visual appearance of something or someone; "the delicate cast of his features"
No Preference AppleAuthorBentBent AppleBent BallBent BilliardBent BrandyBent BulldogBent ChimneyBent DublinBent EggBent PotBilliardBrandyBulldogCalabashCanadianCavalierChimneyChurchwardenCuttyDiplomatDublinFreehandHawkbillHornLiverpoolLovatLumbermanOom PaulPanelPanel HornPanel ZuluPokerPotPrinceRhodesianStackStraightVolcanoZulu
to shape

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı şeyp


    /tə ˈsʜāp/ /tə ˈʃeɪp/


    ... the modern human has fully taken shape. ...
    ... the ways in which superstition continues to shape our approaches to important human problems. ...