to say a prayer

listen to the pronunciation of to say a prayer
English - Arabic
{s} أدى الصلاة, صلى
{s} أدى الصلاة
English - Finnish
sanoa rukous
English - Portuguese
uma oração
English - Danish
siger en bøn
English - Dutch
een gebed
English - Russian
English - Swedish
säger en bön
English - French
dire une prière
faire une prière
English - Italian
dire una preghiera
English - Spanish
decir una oración
English - Greek
πω μια προσευχή (po mia prosefhi)
English - Lehçe
odmawiać modlitwę
English - German
ein Gebet sprechen
to say a prayer


    to Say a pray·er

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı sey ı preyır


    /tə ˈsā ə ˈprāər/ /tə ˈseɪ ə ˈpreɪɜr/