to restore peace

listen to the pronunciation of to restore peace
English - French
ramener la paix
rétablir la paix
English - Finnish
English - Dutch
herstellen van de vrede
English - Lehçe
przywrócenia pokoju
English - Spanish
restablecer la paz
English - Swedish
återställa fred
English - Portuguese
restaurar a paz
English - Italian
ristabilire la pace
English - Russian
восстановить мир
English - Greek
αποκατάσταση της ειρήνης (apokatastasi tis eirinis)
English - Danish
genoprette freden
English - German
Frieden wiederherstellen
Wiederherstellung des Friedens
to restore peace


    to re·store peace

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı rîstôr pis


    /tə rəˈstôr ˈpēs/ /tə rɪˈstɔːr ˈpiːs/