to respond to a call

listen to the pronunciation of to respond to a call
English - Italian

Definition of to respond to a call in English Italian dictionary

to respond to
per rispondere alle
English - German
einem Aufruf folgen
to respond to
auf jemanden eingehen
English - French

Definition of to respond to a call in English French dictionary

to respond to
pour répondre aux
English - Portuguese

Definition of to respond to a call in English Portuguese dictionary

to respond to
para responder a
English - Spanish

Definition of to respond to a call in English Spanish dictionary

to respond to
para responder a
English - Danish

Definition of to respond to a call in English Danish dictionary

to respond to
at reagere på
English - Chinese
to respond to a call


    to re·spond to a call

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı rispänd tı ı kôl


    /tə rēˈspänd tə ə ˈkôl/ /tə riːˈspɑːnd tə ə ˈkɔːl/