to resort

listen to the pronunciation of to resort
English - Turkish
{i} tatil yeri

Sami bir tatil yerinden aradı. - Sami called from a resort.

Tatil yerinin büyük bir yüzme havuzu var. - The resort has large swimming pools.


Şiddete başvurmak bazen kabul edilebilir. - It is sometimes acceptable to resort to violence.

Paramı geri almak için tehditlere başvurmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to resort to threats to get my money back.

{i} dinlenme yeri
{i} çare

O, son çare olarak dava açmayı düşünüyor. - She is thinking of suing as a last resort.

O, son çare olarak ilaca güvendi. - She relied on the medicine as a last resort.

{f} -e başvurmak
{f} gitmek
{i} başvurma

Tom istediğini almak için şiddete başvurmaya hazır. - Tom is ready to resort to violence in order to get what he wants.

Şiddete başvurmamalıyız. - We should not resort to violence.

sığınılacak yer
-e başvurma
(Turizm) gezinti ve toplanma yeri
sık sık uğramak
(to ile) (-e) başvurmak
-den yararlanma
dinlence yeri
müracaat etmek
çareyi -de bulmak
(-e) başvurma
yoluna gitme
baş vurmak
yoluna gitmek
{i} ikinci adres
{i} sık sık gidilen yer
{i} yardımına başvurulacak kimse
çareyi bulmak
sık sık gitme
{i} uğrak
başka çare kalmayınca kullanmak
{f} -e gitmek
English - English
To have recourse (to), now especially from necessity or frustration
to repeat a sorting process, see sort
A compound of buildings and facilities located in a scenic area, providing lodgings, entertainment, and a relaxing environment to people on vacation
an act of resorting

If further sorting is required, begin anew with opcode = 0. opcode = -3 may be set to build an index file following an initial sort with opcode set to 0, or a resort with opcode set to -1.

recourse, refuge (something or someone turned to for safety)
To make one's way, go (to)

The same daye went Jesus out off the housse, and sat by the seesyde, and moch people resorted unto him, so gretly that he went and sat in a shyppe, and all the people stode on the shoore.

If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving what you want. His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs
That to which one resorts or looks for help; resource; refuge
{n} a concourse, assembly, meeting, spring
{v} to repair, have recourse, revert
The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; often figuratively; as, to have resort to force
something or someone turned to for assistance or security; "his only recourse was the police"; "took refuge in lying"
A place visited much frequently
To fall back; to revert
to choose a less desirable course of action out of necessity or frustration
A place to which one betakes himself habitually; a place of frequent assembly; a haunt
move, travel, or proceed toward some place; "He repaired to his cabin in the woods"
have recourse to; "The government resorted to rationing meat"
1 A city or other destination known for its leisure attractions 2 A hotel featuring a broad range of amenities, sports facilities, and other leisure attractions, designed to provide a total vacation experience
If you do something as a last resort, you do it because you can find no other way of getting out of a difficult situation or of solving a problem. Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort
To go; to repair; to betake one's self
a hotel located in a resort area
a frequently visited place
If you achieve something without resort to a particular course of action, you succeed without carrying out that action. To have resort to a particular course of action means to have to do that action in order to achieve something. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war. = recourse
A resort is a place where a lot of people spend their holidays. the ski resorts. resort to to do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem
Active power or movement; spring
act of turning to for assistance; "have recourse to the courts"; "an appeal to his uncle was his last resort"
A place where people visit for recreation The type of recreation is normally added to the word resort, for example, ski resort, mountain resort, beach resort, etc
{f} have recourse, utilize a source of help
You use in the last resort when stating the most basic or important fact that will still be true in a situation whatever else happens. They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did. = ultimately
{i} popular vacation site, place of recreation; source of help, source of protection
To have recourse; to apply; to one's self for help, relief, or advantage
to resort


    to re·sort

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı risôrt


    /tə rēˈsôrt/ /tə riːˈsɔːrt/


    ... higher office became a very popular resort ...
    ... has all the charm of the seaside resort but for the tourist seeking peace and ...