to repudiate the charge of having deceived parliament

listen to the pronunciation of to repudiate the charge of having deceived parliament
English - German
den Vorwurf zurückweisen, das Parlament getäuscht zu haben
to repudiate the charge of having deceived parliament


    to re·pu·di·ate the charge of ha·ving de·ceived par·lia·ment

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı ripyudieyt dhi çärc ıv hävîng dîsivd pärlımınt


    /tə rēˈpyo͞odēˌāt ᴛʜē ˈʧärʤ əv ˈhavəɴɢ dəˈsēvd ˈpärləmənt/ /tə riːˈpjuːdiːˌeɪt ðiː ˈʧɑːrʤ əv ˈhævɪŋ dɪˈsiːvd ˈpɑːrləmənt/