to reinstall

listen to the pronunciation of to reinstall
English - Turkish
yeniden yerleştir
{f} yeniden yerleştirmek
(fiil) yeniden yerleştirmek
Yeniden Yüklemek
English - English
{v} to set or put again in possession
install again; "She reinstalled the the washer after it had been repaired"
install again; "She reinstalled the the washer after it had been repaired
{f} put back into place, restore to a position; set up again (also spelled reinstal)
To install again
to reinstall


    to re·in·stall

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı riînstäl


    /tə ˌrēənˈstäl/ /tə ˌriːɪnˈstɑːl/