to profit

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English - Turkish

Definition of to profit in English Turkish dictionary

{i} lâhana

Lahana, karnabahar, brokoli ve brüksellahanası aynı türün çeşitleridir. - Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all cultivars of the same species.

Lahana hariç tüm sebzeleri severim. - I like all vegetables except cabbage.


Fadıl çıkar için Leyla'yı öldürdü. - Fadil murdered Layla for profit.

İşletme sahibi kârı maksimuma çıkarmak istiyor. - The business owner wants to maximize profit.


Lahana çiğ olarak yenilebilir. - Cabbage can be eaten raw.

Lahana, karnabahar, brokoli ve brüksellahanası aynı türün çeşitleridir. - Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all cultivars of the same species.


Akıllı bir adam hatalarından yararlanır. - A wise man profits from his mistakes.

Her fırsattan yararlanmaya çalışın. - Try to profit from every opportunity.

{i} fayda

Akıllı bir kişi hatalarından faydalanır. - A wise person profits by his mistakes.


Kar payını talep etti. - He claimed his share of the profits.

O, kar etmek için bunu yaptı. - He has done this for profit.

{f} kâr etmek

O, kar etmek için bunu yaptı. - He has done this for profit.

{i} menfaat
{i} getiri

Samimiyetiniz kâr getirir. - Your sincerity brings profit.

(Botanik, Bitkibilim) milano lahanası
(Gıda) beyaz lahana
(Politika, Siyaset) kar etme

O, kar etmek için bunu yaptı. - He has done this for profit.

Tom yeni bir restoran açtı ama o ilk on iki ayda kar etmedi - Tom opened a new restaurant, but it didn't turn a profit in the first twelve months.

(Gıda) kâr
intifa etmek
uyuşuk kimse
kazanç getirmek
kâr sağlamak

Kazançlar çok yüksekti. - The profits were very high.

Vergiler, amortisman, vb'den sonra lütfen kazanç bildirin. - Please inform profit after taxes, amortisation, etc

i. 1. kâr, kazanç. 2. yarar, fayda. f. by/from -den yararlanmak/faydalanmak/istifade etmek
Brassica oleracea
çalınmış bir şey
drum cabbage top lahana
özellikle terzilerin kumaşlardan çaldıkları parça
(isim) lâhana
istifade etmek
yararı dokunmak
(Mukavele) kar, kazanç; menfaat, yarar, fayda
{f} by/from -den yararlanmak/faydalanmak/istifade etmek. profit and loss account kâr ve zarar hesabı
profit kazandır
net profit netpaper profits mu
kar sağlamak
{f} yararlanmak
{f} kâr getirmek
{f} yaramak
faydası olmak
{f} yararı olmak
profit motive kâr güdüsü
kar,v.kar et: n.kar
English - English
To take advantage of, exploit, use
To benefit, gain
To benefit (sb), be of use to (sb)
Benefit, positive result obtained

Reading such an enlightening book on the subject was of much profit to his studies.

In property law, a nonpossessory interest in land whereby a party is entitled to enter the land of another for the purpose of taking the soil or the substance of the soil (coal, oil, minerals, and in some jurisdictions timber and game)
Total income or cash flow minus expenditures. The money or other benefit a non-governmental organization or individual receives in exchange for products and services sold at an advertised price
{v} to benefit, improve, gain advantage
{n} gain, advantage, benefits
The excess of income over all costs, including the interest cost of the wealth invested This means making money after one has paid all the expenses in a business
{i} earnings, financial gain; benefit, avail; financial income; advantage, privilege
{f} earn income, make financial gains; be of service, be beneficial, be advantageous
The term used to describe the amount of income received after deducting all the expenses paid out in earning that income May also be used to describe the amount you receive on the sale of an asset after deducting the cost of the asset and any expenses that you incurred in buying or selling that asset
To gain advantage; to make improvement; to improve; to gain; to advance
occurs when an investment appreciates in value and is sold, or realised
amount left after all costs of a business are paid, as in: To grant you a loan, the bank will want a Profit and Loss statement
Financial gain, or revenues minus expenses Profit is the overarching mission of private-sector companies Nonprofit or governmental organizations either operate at a loss or attempt to achieve a zero profit; for them the overarching mission is a charter for a service, or a goal to be achieved Therefore, there is a basic distinction in measures of strategic success between profit and nonprofit or governmental organizations
A benefit, advantage or gain, particularly a pecuniary gain of excess returns over expenditures, accruing to an owner through the use or exchange of their property, or their rights to property, other than an individual's personal labor, barter or trade
The earnings a company realizes after all costs, expenses and taxes have been paid It is calculated by subtracting business, depreciation, interest and tax costs from revenues Profit is the supreme measure of value as far as the market is concerned Profit is also called earnings or net income See "What Is A Stock Anyway?" BACK TO TOP
the advantageous quality of being beneficial
the money you've earned after you subtract a) any money you had to spend to make the product or perform the service B) any taxes that had to be paid on your earnings
derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience"
To be of use or advantage; to do or bring good
A classic “What do you mean by that?”, with the definition depending on who you're talking to: Sales personnel think it's Gross Sales; Production thinks it's Gross Profit; Finance thinks it's all the way down to the bottom line (Net Income)
the advantageous quality of being beneficial make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger" derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience
is the difference between what something is worth and what it cost If you produce something for sale your profit is the amount that your customer pays you less your cost of supplying it Another way of stating this is that profit is the difference between what you created and what you destroyed All workers aim to make a profit, because to do otherwise would be pointless or self harmful
The positive gain from an investment or business operation after subtracting for all expenses opposite of loss
The money earned from conducting business after all costs and expenses have been paid
All the money a business earns in a year minus all the costs of running the business
the excess of revenues over expenses
The money or other benefit an organisation or individual makes. Total income or cash flow minus expenditures and taxes
derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience
Revenue left over after the costs of the production process have been paid
Acquisition beyond expenditure; excess of value received for producing, keeping, or selling, over cost; hence, pecuniary gain in any transaction or occupation; emolument; as, a profit on the sale of goods
If you profit from something, or it profits you, you gain some advantage or benefit from it. Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little Whom would it profit to terrify or to kill James Sinclair? Profit is also a noun. The artist found much to his profit in the Louvre. In business usage, the excess of total revenue over total cost during a specific period of time. In economics, profit is the excess over the returns to capital, land, and labour. Since these resources are measured by their opportunity costs, economic profit can be negative. There are various sources of profit: an innovator who introduces a new production technique can earn entrepreneurial profits; changes in consumer tastes may bring some firms windfall profits; or a firm may restrict output to prevent prices from falling to the level of costs (monopoly profit)
the advantageous quality of being beneficial make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"
The payoff less the future value of the original cost to acquire the position
Profit is the income left over for the owners of a business after all the costs of production have been paid Profit is an incentive for entrepreneurs and a reward for taking a risk to start a business Businesses who make a profit have successfully satisfied the wants of consumers
the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
occurs when an investment appreciates in value and is sold, or realised Also known as a realised gain
The excess of revenue over the total cost of producing the product or products
make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"
the difference between the price received for a product and its cost (the price of the factors of production used to make it); excess of revenues over expenses; an entrepreneur's reward for using factors of production in economic activity
If you profit from something, you earn a profit from it. Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family
The income remaining after all business expenses are paid
(Ticaret) The amount earned from an investment or operation after expenses are deducted. Gross profit, or gross income, refers to pre-tax net sales less cost of sales. Net profit, also includes the deduction of interest, taxes, depreciation and other expenses not associated with the cost of sales
The amount earned from an investment or operation after expenses are deducted Gross profit, or gross income, refers to pre-tax net sales less cost of sales Net profit, also includes the deduction of interest, taxes, depreciation and other expenses not associated with the cost of sales
The positive difference between the buying and selling price of an investment An example is a company that sells a product for more than it cost them to make it
When an operating unit has revenue greater than expenses, this difference is known as profit See Divisional income
Accession of good; valuable results; useful consequences; benefit; avail; gain; as, an office of profit, To be of service to; to be good to; to help on; to benefit; to advantage; to avail; to aid; as, truth profits all men
To take advantage of exploit, use
The difference between revenue from sales of the catch and the cost of fishing
A profit is an amount of money that you gain when you are paid more for something than it cost you to make, get, or do it. The bank made pre-tax profits of £3.5 million You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning loss
{i} gains
to profit


    to prof·it

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı präfıt


    /tə ˈpräfət/ /tə ˈprɑːfət/


    ... was exported out as a not-for-profit. ...
    ... So there's nothing fundamentally wrong with profit. ...