to probe

listen to the pronunciation of to probe
English - Turkish
prob için
(Gıda) ölçüm ucu
insansız uzay roketi
{i} soruşturma
{f} soruşturmak
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yoklayıcı
kontrol çubuğu
(Askeri) araştırma aracı
(Askeri) detaylı inceleme
araştırma yapmak
yoklamak (sonda vb ile)
(İnşaat) uzantı
(İnşaat) duyarga
soru sorarak sondaj yapmak
(Askeri) sorgulama
(Tıp) stile
mil (tıp)
test çubuğu

Uzay sondaları Mars'a indi. - Space probes have landed on Mars.

Uzay sondaları tarafından çekilen resimler, Jüpiter'in etrafındaki ince halkaları gösterdi. - Pictures taken by space probes have shown thin rings around Jupiter.

(Tıp) Derin yara v.s.'yi sonda ile yoklamak, sondaj yapmak
(çubuk/vb.ile) aramak
(Diş) sond

Uzay sondaları tarafından çekilen resimler, Jüpiter'in etrafındaki ince halkaları gösterdi. - Pictures taken by space probes have shown thin rings around Jupiter.

Uzay sondası Voyager 2, 1989'da 4900 kilometrelik Neptün'ü geçti. - Voyager 2, a space probe, passed within 4900 kilometers of Neptune in 1989.

(Tıp, İlaç) Cerrahmili, sonda
(Biyoloji) prob
{f} (birine) soru sorarak sondaj yapmak
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA; ARAŞTIRMA ARACI (HV.): Bir şeyin mahiyetini keşfetmek, incelemek ve denemek için faydalanılan şey; özellikle dış uzaya nüfuz etmek için kullanılan, rastlayacağı şartlar hakkında geriye bilgi verecek şekilde imal edilmiş bir deney küresi, Arz uydusu veya diğer aletli araç. Özellikle, bir uzay üzerine veya civarına gönderilen ya da çevresinde bir yörüngeye oturtulan ve üzerindeki aletlerle, bu cisim hakkında elde ettiği bilgileri teometrik veya diğer cihazlarla Arza bildiren aletli bir araç
{f} derinlemesine araştırmak
(Nükleer Bilimler) prob (bkz. search unit),prob, sonda
{f} iskandil etmek
{f} deşmek
{f} irdelemek; incelemek, araştırmak
prob,v.araştırma yap: n.araştırma
{f} derinine inmek
(Diş Hekimliği) Ağız muayenesinde araştırıcı sonda görevini gören ince, yarı bükülebilir kıvrık uçlu el aleti
{f} (sonda v.b. ile) yoklamak; sondalamak, sondaj yapmak
{i} mil [tıp.]
{f} sonda ile yoklamak
{i} derinlemesine araştırma
{f} sonda koymak
English - English
an investigation or inquiry

They launched a probe into the cause of the accident.

a move with multiple answers seeking to make the opponent choose and commit to a strategy
to search through and through
question or examine thoroughly and closely examine physically with or as if with a probe; "probe an anthill
{n} a surgeon's instrument, a slender wire
{v} to try with a probe, try, feel, search
a model of Ford automobile
an investigation conducted using a probe instrument
Labeled piece of DNA used to detect the presence or absence of a product
An instrument or device used to get information about an environment The use of a probe in a wastewater treatment laboratory generally has electrodes arranged in a given manner within the probe to allow attachment to a meter or other reading device to obtain desired information
question or examine thoroughly and closely
a flexible slender surgical instrument used to explore wounds or body cavities
Any effort, such as a request, transaction, or program, which is used to gather information about a computer or the network state For example, sending an empty message to see whether a destination actually exists Ping is a common utility for sending such a probe Some probes are inserted near key junctures in a network for monitoring or collecting data about network activity
an investigation conducted using a probe instrument an exploratory action or expedition a flexible slender surgical instrument used to explore wounds or body cavities an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
To explore, investigate, or question
A device used to send back information Campbell Scientific uses the words probe, sensor, and transducer interchangeably
If you probe into something, you ask questions or try to discover facts about it. The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become For three years, I have probed for understanding The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices The form asks probing questions. Probe is also a noun. a federal grand-jury probe into corruption within the FDA. + probing probings prob·ing If he remains here, he'll be away from the press and their probings
A sequence of DNA or RNA, labeled or marked with a radioactive isotope, used to detect the presence of complementary nucleotide sequences See Nucleotide
A space probe is a spacecraft which travels into space with no people in it, usually in order to study the planets and send information about them back to earth
a specific sequence of single-stranded DNA, typically labeled with a radioactive atom, which is designed to bind to, and thereby single out, a particular segment of DNA
Any effort to gather information about a machine or its users for the apparent purpose of gaining unauthorized access to the system at a later date
If you probe a place, you search it in order to find someone or something that you are looking for. A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place I probed around for some time in the bushes
Tranmission used by ADC's in CSMA mode Sent by the transmitter to capture the channel, channel is considered captured when the receiving ADC sends a probe ACK
Singlestranded DNA or RNA molecules of specific base sequence, labeled either radioactively or immunologically, that are used to detect the complementary base sequence by hybridization
a device, or part of a device, used to explore, investigate or measure
To examine, as a wound, an ulcer, or some cavity of the body, with a probe
A DNA strand that is used to stain DNA fragments after electrophoresis
A device programmed to gather information about an IS or its users
(hybridization probe) - a segment of nucleic acid that can bind to DNA or RNA; it is a complementary strand of nucleic acid and is often radioactive so that you can find a specific sequence (or gene) in DNA
A probe is an instrument used to investigate an unknown configuration, condition, or region
A phase of active matching in which a candidate driver communicates with a device and verifies whether it can drive it The driver’s probe member function is invoked to kick off this phase The driver returns a probe score that reflects its ability to drive the device See also driver matching
Single-stranded DNA or RNA of a specific base sequence, labeled either radioactively or immunology, that are used to detect the complementary base sequence by hybridization
If a doctor or dentist probes, he or she uses a long instrument to examine part of a patient's body. The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair and stitch up again Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area
Single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules of specific base sequence, labeled either radioactively or immunologically, that are used to detect the complementary base sequence by hybridization
an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
In a conflict such as a war, if one side probes another side's defences, they try to find their weaknesses, for example by attacking them in specific areas using a small number of troops. He probes the enemy's weak positions, ignoring his strongholds Probe is also a noun. Small probes would give the allied armies some combat experience before the main battle started
A DNA or protein sequence used as a query in a database search In laboratory: a labelled nucleic acid molecule for detecting complementary sequences
A probe is a long thin instrument that doctors and dentists use to examine parts of the body. a fibre-optic probe
in ultrasonics, term commonly used to describe the convertor-horn-tip system which accepts power from a generator and does work Not to be confused with sensing elements used in non-destructive testing and measuring
An instrument for examining the depth or other circumstances of a wound, ulcer, or cavity, or the direction of a sinus, of for exploring for bullets, for stones in the bladder, etc
an exploratory action or expedition
in a microarray experiment, the solution of labeled DNA that is hybridized with the array For comparative transcription studies, two cDNA probes are prepared from the total mRNA of two different kinds of cells and labeled with two different reporters
{i} investigation; examination; slim device used in medical examinations; satellite sent into outer space
Probes used in atomic force and scanning probe microscopy How do these relate to the probes defined in Gene amplification & PCR and Microarrays
1 An instrumented vehicle that is located in the upper atmosphere, space or upon another celestial body and used to obtain information about the specific enviroment
to search to the bottom; to scrutinize or examine thoroughly
A fragment of DNA, usually labeled with radioactive 32P, that detects homologous sequences on southern blots
{f} investigate, research, study, explore; check, examine, test
examine physically with or as if with a probe; "probe an anthill"
Single-stranded DNA labeled with radioactive isotopes or tagged in other ways for ease in identification
to probe

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı prōb


    /tə ˈprōb/ /tə ˈproʊb/


    ... laws of gravity.  They are so precise that when we shoot a space probe right past the ...