to play it by ear

listen to the pronunciation of to play it by ear
English - Turkish
gelişmelere göre hareket etmek
{f} notasız söylemek
(deyim) plansiz,duruma gore hareket etmek
{f} olaylara göre davranmak
to play sth by ear
notasız çalmak
English - English
To do something by guessing, intuition, or trial and error; to react to events as they occur

If they ask for something we didn't prepare, we will have to play it by ear.

To play a song according to how it sounds, rather than from a written score
decide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation; "She didn't know what to expect from her new job, so she played it by ear
{f} wait and see how a situation develops, wait and decide later (depending on what happens in the meantime), improvise
to play it by ear

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı pley ît bay ir


    /tə ˈplā ət ˈbī ˈēr/ /tə ˈpleɪ ɪt ˈbaɪ ˈiːr/