to ossify

listen to the pronunciation of to ossify
English - English
To become (or cause to become) inflexible and rigid in habits or opinions

Possession of absolute knowledge would ossify the human spirit, quenching human creativity;.

To grow (or cause to grow) formulaic and permanent

he charge threatens to ossify into conventional wisdom before the movie's audience can get to theaters to see how misguided it is.

To transform (or cause to transform) from a softer animal substance into bone; particularly the processes of growth in humans and animals

, nor do all bones of the same skeleton ossify during the samе period of time.

To calcify

The cartilages become brittle, and in many instances are ossified; the ligaments are rendered harder, but are less capable of resisting extension.

to convert into bone
{v} to change, burn or harden into bone
become bony; "The tissue ossified" cause to become hard and bony; "The disease ossified the tissue
become bony; "The tissue ossified"
make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"
disapproval If an idea, system, or organization ossifies or if something ossifies it, it becomes fixed and difficult to change. It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close. = fossilize
Turn to bone
{f} turn rigid; harden; turn into bone; become set in own ways
cause to become hard and bony; "The disease ossified the tissue"
\AH-suh-fy\, intransitive verb: 1 To change into bone; to become bony 2 To become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern
to turn into bone
To become bone; to change from a soft tissue to a hard bony tissue
To harden; as, to ossify the heart
To form into bone; to change from a soft animal substance into bone, as by the deposition of lime salts
To become inflexible in ones habits or opinions
cause to become hard and bony; "The disease ossified the tissue
to ossify


    to os·si·fy

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı äsıfay


    /tə ˈäsəˌfī/ /tə ˈɑːsəˌfaɪ/