to not sleep a wink

listen to the pronunciation of to not sleep a wink
English - Turkish
göz kırpmamak
gözüne uyku girmemek
(deyim) Hiç uyuyamamak, gözüne uyku girmemek

I couldn't sleep a wink last night.

gözüne uyku girmemek, gözünü kırpmamak
English - English
(deyim) Not sleep at all
(deyim) To not sleep at all

1. I was so excited last night. I didn't sleep a wink. 2. I didn't get a wink of sleep on the plane.

to not sleep a wink


    to not Sleep a wink

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı nät slip ı wîngk


    /tə ˈnät ˈslēp ə ˈwəɴɢk/ /tə ˈnɑːt ˈsliːp ə ˈwɪŋk/