to muffle

listen to the pronunciation of to muffle
English - Turkish
sesi boğmak
sarınacak şey
{i} susturucu

Yeni bir susturucuya ihtiyacın var gibi görünüyor. - It sounds like you need a new muffler.

sesi boğmak için kullanılan örtü veya sargı
gevişgetirenlerin ve diğer bazı hayvanların tüysüz üst dudağı
bir maddeyi alev ve gazlara temas ettirmemek için kullanılan fırın gözü
{f} (bir şeyi) ses çıkarmayacak bir şekilde örtmek/sarmak
{f} kıs
(isim) sarınacak şey
{f} in/with -e sarınmak
{f} up sarınıp sarmalanmak; sarıp sarmalamak
(İnşaat) sönümleme
sarıp sarmalamak
(İnşaat) azaltma
(İnşaat) susturma

Sami, silahının sesini susturmak için bir yastık kullandı. - Sami used a pillow to muffle the sound of his gun.

(sesi) boğmak
boğmak (sesi)
English - English
To mute or deaden a sound, making it harder to hear
to deaden the sound of, as by wraps
a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
The bare end of the nose between the nostrils; used esp
{f} silence or lessen a sound; cover, wrap; cover oneself, wrap oneself
{i} furnace, kiln (Art); cover, covering; something that muffles
to make less loud or less clear
of ruminants
To wrap with something that dulls or deadens the sound of; as, to muffle the strings of a drum, or that part of an oar which rests in the rowlock
a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature
To wrap up in something that conceals or protects; to wrap, as the face and neck, in thick and disguising folds; hence, to conceal or cover the face of; to envelop; to inclose; often with up
To reduce the sound produced by a drum, by placing a cloth over the drumhead
To prevent seeing, or hearing, or speaking, by wraps bound about the head; to blindfold; to deafen
Large refractory pot set inside the firing chamber forming an inner chamber to contain the pipes firing free from direct contact with the flame
To speak indistinctly, or without clear articulation
Anything with which another thing, as an oar or drum, is muffled; also, a boxing glove; a muff
An earthenware compartment or oven, often shaped like a half cylinder, used in furnaces to protect objects heated from the direct action of the fire, as in scorification of ores, cupellation of ore buttons, etc
If something muffles a sound, it makes it quieter and more difficult to hear. Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice She heard a muffled cough behind her
A fire-clay box in which glass (or porcelain) objects are enclosed, when placed in the muffle kiln, to protect them from the flames and smoke while being subjected to low-temperature firing, especially in the process of firing enamels and gilding at temperatures of 5900-700C
A pulley block containing several sheaves
A small oven for baking and fixing the colors of painted or printed pottery, without exposing the pottery to the flames of the furnace or kiln
deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn"
{v} to wrap up, blindfold, hide, flutter
{n} a small earthen oven or vessel
Anything that mutes or deadens sound
A kiln or furnace, often electric, with no direct flames
A warm piece of clothing for the hands
To wrap up for warmth, protection or security
to muffle