to make unauthorized use of business secrets

listen to the pronunciation of to make unauthorized use of business secrets
English - German
Geschäftsgeheimnisse unbefugt verwerten
to make unauthorized use of business secrets


    to make un·au·thor·ized use of busi·ness secrets

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı meyk ınôthırayzd yus ıv bîznıs sikrıts


    /tə ˈmāk ənˈôᴛʜərˌīzd ˈyo͞os əv ˈbəznəs ˈsēkrəts/ /tə ˈmeɪk ənˈɔːθɜrˌaɪzd ˈjuːs əv ˈbɪznəs ˈsiːkrəts/