to make allowance for time spent in custody on remand

listen to the pronunciation of to make allowance for time spent in custody on remand
English - German
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to make allowance for time spent in custody on remand


    to make al·low·ance for time spent in cus·to·dy on re·mand

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı meyk ılauıns fôr taym spent în kʌstıdi ôn rîmänd


    /tə ˈmāk əˈlouəns ˈfôr ˈtīm ˈspent ən ˈkəstədē ˈôn rəˈmand/ /tə ˈmeɪk əˈlaʊəns ˈfɔːr ˈtaɪm ˈspɛnt ɪn ˈkʌstədiː ˈɔːn rɪˈmænd/