to look like

listen to the pronunciation of to look like
English - Turkish

Onlara benzemek istiyorum. - I want to look like them.

Ona benzemek istiyorum. - I want to look like her.

-cek gibi olmak
birisine çekmek
gibi gözükmek
gibi görünmek
gibi görün

Acı çekiyor gibi görünüyorsun. - You look like you're in pain.

Neyiniz var, Jane? İyi hissetmiyor gibi görünüyorsunuz. - What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well.

-e benzemek, -çek gibi olmak: "İt looks like rain. - Yağmur yağacağa benziyor."

Şu ikizler bezelyedeki iki tane gibi benziyorlar. - Those twins look like two peas in a pod.

Arkadaşım 18'indeymiş gibi göstermek için kimliğinde oynama yaptı. - My friend doctored his ID to make it look like he was 18.

-e benzemek
(fiil) benzemek
-e benzemek, -cek gibi olmak: It looks like rain. Yağmur yağacağa benziyor
English - English
To be similar in appearance to; resemble

He loved him so hard that he loved all his whiskers off, and the pink lining to his ears turned grey, and his brown spots faded. He even began to lose his shape, and he scarcely looked like a rabbit any more, except to the Boy.

To seem

It looks like I'm stuck with you.

bear a physical resemblance to; "She looks like her mother
bear a physical resemblance to; "She looks like her mother"
{f} resemble, have a similar appearance
to look like

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı lûk layk


    /tə ˈlo͝ok ˈlīk/ /tə ˈlʊk ˈlaɪk/


    ... You know, you guys look like professionals. ...
    ... enhance it to look like that. ...