to level the floor pavement with a screed board

listen to the pronunciation of to level the floor pavement with a screed board
English - German
den Estrich mit einer Latte abziehen
to level the floor pavement with a screed board


    to lev·el the floor pave·ment with a screed board

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı levıl dhi flôr peyvmınt wîdh ı skrid bôrd


    /tə ˈlevəl ᴛʜē ˈflôr ˈpāvmənt wəᴛʜ ə ˈskrēd ˈbôrd/ /tə ˈlɛvəl ðiː ˈflɔːr ˈpeɪvmənt wɪð ə ˈskriːd ˈbɔːrd/