to knock on wood

listen to the pronunciation of to knock on wood
English - Turkish
(deyim) tahtaya vur

Rüyamızın gerçek olması için tahtaya vuralım. - Let's knock on wood so that our dream will come true.

şeytan kulağına kurşun
English - English
To take a customary action to ward off some misfortune that is believed to be attracted by a presumptuous statement
A self-directive to undertake the customary action to ward off bad luck

I do a lot of walking, and I have never had any knee problems yet, knock on wood.

strike a wooden surface; may I not have bad luck (said to dispel evil superstitions and bad fortune)
to knock on wood

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı näk ôn wûd


    /tə ˈnäk ˈôn ˈwo͝od/ /tə ˈnɑːk ˈɔːn ˈwʊd/