to keep up with the joneses

listen to the pronunciation of to keep up with the joneses
English - Turkish
komşu yetişmek için
sidik yarışına çıkmak
keep up with
-e ayak uydurmak
keep up with
ayak uydurmak

Zamana ayak uydurmak için gazeteler okumalısın. - You should read the newspapers in order to keep up with the times.

Zamana ayak uydurmak için kitaplar ve dergiler okurum. - I read books and magazines to keep up with the times.

keep up with
iletişim sağlamak
keep up with
hızına yetişmek
keep up with
ile aşık atmak
keep up with
ile aynı hızda gitmek
keep up with
-i takip etmek
keep up with
ile aynı tempoda gitmek
keep up with
aynı düzeyde kalmak
keep up with
izleyerek bilgi sahibi olmak
keep up with
ile yarışmak
keep up with
ayak uydurmak (zamana)
keep up with
ayak uydurmak (çağa/zamana)
keep up with
takip etmek
keep up with the Joneses
başkalarında olanları kendisinde de olmasını istemek
keep up with the Joneses
komşularından arkadaşlarından geri kalmamak
keep up with the joneses
diğer insanlarla çekişmek
keep up with the joneses
(deyim) komşusuyla aşık atmak
keep up with the joneses
(deyim) sidik yarıştırmak
keep up with the joneses
(deyim) sidik yarışına girmek
keep up with the joneses
sidik yarışı yapmak
keep up with the joneses
sidik yarışına çıkmak
keep up with

Ona yetişmek için çok çalışmalıyım. - I must study hard in order to keep up with him.

Diğer öğrencilere yetişmek için çalışmak zorundaydım. - I had to study hard to keep up with the other students.

keep up with
geri kalma

Ondan geri kalmamak için çok çalışmalıyım. - I must study hard in order to keep up with him.

keep up with the Joneses
aşık atmak
keep up with
İletişim sağlamak
keep up with
-den geri kalmamak
keep up with the joneses
(deyim) (Olumsuz davranış) Komşu ya da arkadaş gibi aynı sosyal çevrede bulunan insanlarla onlardan geri kalmamak, ayak uydurmak uğruna ne gerekiyorsa yapmak
to keep up
tutmak için
keep up with
-i takip etmek, -i izleyerek bilgi sahibi olmak
keep up with
keep up with the times çağın gerisinde kalmamak, çağa ayak uydurmak
keep up with
ile aynı hızda/tempoda gitmek, -e ayak uydurmak
keep up with
aşık atmak
keep up with
(çağa/zamana) ayak uydurmak
English - English

Definition of to keep up with the joneses in English English dictionary

keep up with
To manage to follow an argument, a discussion, etc
keep up with
To manage to remain up to date with trends, fashions, etc
keep up with
To manage to remain beside or just behind someone or something that is moving away from one
keep up with the Joneses
To act or make purchases for status or image rather than out of need, especially for the purpose of competing with friends or neighbors

Do you really need a fancy new car or are you just trying to keep up with the Joneses?.

keep up with the joneses
(deyim) Always want to own the same expensive objects and do the same things as your friends or neighbours because you are worried about seeming less important socially than they are
keep up with the Joneses
try to maintain the same standard of living as someone else (i.e. a peer or neighbor)
to keep up with the joneses


    to keep up with the Jones·es

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı kip ʌp wîdh dhi cōnzîz


    /tə ˈkēp ˈəp wəᴛʜ ᴛʜē ˈʤōnzəz/ /tə ˈkiːp ˈʌp wɪð ðiː ˈʤoʊnzɪz/