to keep the minutes

listen to the pronunciation of to keep the minutes
English - Dutch
houdt de notulen
English - Greek
τηρούν τα πρακτικά (tiroyn ta praktika)
English - Swedish
föra protokollet
English - Italian
tiene il verbale
English - Spanish
las actas
English - Danish
English - Portuguese
manter os minutos
English - Finnish
pitää pöytäkirjaa
English - French
tenir les procès verbaux
English - Russian
вести протокол
English - Lehçe
przechowywać protokoły
English - German
das Protokoll führen
to keep the minutes


    to keep the min·utes

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı kip dhi mînıts


    /tə ˈkēp ᴛʜē ˈmənəts/ /tə ˈkiːp ðiː ˈmɪnəts/