to hold water

listen to the pronunciation of to hold water
English - Turkish
{k} geçerli olmak, makul olmak
to water
su etmek
hold water
{k} (deyim) (çoğunlukla olumsuz kullanılır) geçerli olmak,makul olmak
hold water
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- su almamak , sızmamak 2- makul olmak , sağlam olmak , inanılmak , tutacak yanı olmak
hold water
tutar tarafı olmak
to water
to water
English - English
To withstand scrutiny or criticism; to be valid

Young man, he said, upon this point I can only say that your story is grossly improbable. It won't hold water..

(deyim) (of a theory) appear sound
resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc ; "Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water"
prove sound or valid, stand up to criticism, seem logical and consistent
to water
to hold water


    to hold wa·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı hōld wôtır


    /tə ˈhōld ˈwôtər/ /tə ˈhoʊld ˈwɔːtɜr/