to have another person do the dangerous job

listen to the pronunciation of to have another person do the dangerous job
English - Turkish
el eliyle yılan tutmak
to have another person do the dangerous job


    to have an·oth·er per·son do the dan·ger·ous Job

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı häv ınʌdhır pırsın du dhi deyncırıs cōb


    /tə ˈhav əˈnəᴛʜər ˈpərsən ˈdo͞o ᴛʜē ˈdānʤərəs ˈʤōb/ /tə ˈhæv əˈnʌðɜr ˈpɜrsən ˈduː ðiː ˈdeɪnʤɜrəs ˈʤoʊb/