to grind to a halt

listen to the pronunciation of to grind to a halt
English - Turkish
English - English

Definition of to grind to a halt in English English dictionary

grind to a halt
Coming to a standstill, or ceasing to be productive or make progress, due to an obstacle

After the visionary's death, work on his ideas ground to a halt.

grind to a halt
be unable to move further; "The car bogged down in the sand
grind to a halt
be unable to move further; "The car bogged down in the sand"
to grind to a halt

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı graynd tı ı hôlt


    /tə ˈgrīnd tə ə ˈhôlt/ /tə ˈɡraɪnd tə ə ˈhɔːlt/