to gather information

listen to the pronunciation of to gather information
English - French
recueillir de l'information
English - Italian
raccogliere informazioni
English - Dutch
het verzamelen van informatie
English - Portuguese
colher informações
English - Lehçe
zebranie informacji
English - Swedish
samla in information
English - Danish
indsamle oplysninger
English - Greek
συγκεντρώστε τις πληροφορίες (syggentroste tis plirofories)
English - Spanish
recopilar información
English - Russian
сбор информации
English - Finnish
kerätä tietoa
English - German
Informationen sammeln
Informationen einholen
to gather information


    to gath·er in·for·ma·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı gädhır înfôrmeyşın


    /tə ˈgaᴛʜər ənˈfôrˈmāsʜən/ /tə ˈɡæðɜr ɪnˈfɔːrˈmeɪʃən/