to franchise

listen to the pronunciation of to franchise
English - English
The loose collection of fictional works pertaining to a particular universe, including literary, film, or television series from various sources

the Star Wars franchise.

A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government
A business operating under such authorization
To confer certain powers on; grant a franchise to; authorize
The authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area

McDonalds has exported its franchise.

The right to vote at a public election
The positive influence on the buying behavior of customers exerted by the reputation of a company or a brand
The collection of organizations in the history of a sports team; the tradition of a sports team as an entity, extending beyond the contemporary organization

The Whalers' home city of Hartford was one of many for the franchise.

An acknowledgment of a corporation's existence and ownership
A business arrangement undertaken for the purpose of marketing a product or service One party (the franchiser) provides marketing and selling expertise for a fee to another party (the franchisee) who in turn sells the product or service in the marketplace
{n} a privilege, a freedom
{v} to make free
An organization that grants a license to a group of merchants to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory, and wants to provide bankcard processing to its members from First Data
A right or privilege officially granted to a person or a company by a government; an acknowledgment of a corporations existence and ownership
A license or similar legal authority to provide service at retail in a given geographic area An exclusive franchise is a monopoly to provide service in that area
To make free; to enfranchise; to give liberty to
An entity that has been licensed to sell the product of a manufacturer or to offer a particular service in a given area
(1) A statutory right which could not be exercised inthe absence of the statute, such as the statutes enabling persons to form a corporation Since a corporation is created by the statute, it could not be formed except by the grant of the legislature (2) A combination of individual ownership and central control One may own a fast food restaurant, hotel, hardware store, etc , yet use the name of a national company Each individual owner pays for the name use, advertising, and may be required to make certain purchases (napkins, buns, etc ) from the national company The real estate brokerage business was slow to use the franchise method, but now has many companies operating in this manner
The right to sell products or services under a corporate name or trade mark (established by someone else) This right is usually purchased for cash in addition to a royalty fee on, or a percentage of, all sales
Exemption from constraint or oppression; freedom; liberty
Some Business Schools or Universities allow their courses - under certain conditions, to be run by other Institutions Thus the Institution whose course it is - allows it to be delivered on their behalf by another body - usually as a means to allow that course to enter a different market, or one that the parent institution would not easily be able to access themselves Various terms are used to describe this practice - e g validation (see also Validation) Through such arrangements - often falling well short of full franchises - local institutions are able to offer courses that they would not have been able to provide by themselves In doing so - they may use entirely their own staff or some from the parent organisation - or in some case the entire course will be run by the staff of the parent organisation - with the local organization only providing facilities etc (See also Validation)
A business contract in which an independent business (the franchisee) sells or markets the products and/or services of a larger firm (the franchisor) The franchisee receives training and marketing support from the franchisor and pays a fee for ongoing support
a team; the legal arrangement that establishes ownership of a team
Magnanimity; generosity; liberality; frankness; nobility
an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
To set free; invest with a franchise or privilege; enfranchise
includes a franchise, certificate, contract, or license issued by a local government unit authorizing a person to provide solid waste management services
a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area
If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services. She has recently franchised her business It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business. + franchising fran·chis·ing One of the most important aspects of franchising is the reduced risk of business failure it offers to franchisees
A business that has been licensed to sell the product of a manufacturer or to offer a particular service in a given area
Used in marine insurance policies in clauses designating that portion of the loss that is not covered by the insurance A policy that describes the coverage as "5 percent franchise" does not cover losses below 5 percent, losses of 5 percent or more being completely covered The franchise provision applies only to particular average losses resulting from sea perils or from additional named perils
Legal arrangement whereby the owner of a trade name, franchisor, contracts with a party that wants to use the name on a non-exclusive basis to sell goods or services, franchisee Frequently, the franchise agreement grants strict supervisory powers to the franchisor over the franchisee which, nevertheless, is an independent business
The private sector is permitted to provide and charge the public for services which would normally be provided by the state, in return for a fee
An excellent player in a team sport
Franchise is the right to vote in an election, especially one in which people elect a parliament. the introduction of universal franchise The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise to much of the male working class. to give or sell a franchise to someone
  A special privilege granted by a government permitting the continued use of public property and usually involving the elements of monopoly and regulation   Examples include: telephone, gas and electric utilities; cable television; and refuse collection
franchises have become very popular over the past few years with the rapid growth of chain stores and restaurants In essence a franchise is a license or right to use a brand, style, name or method of doing business or producing a product which is owned by another person In return for a payment the franchisee is granted a franchise by the franchiser who retains the rights to whatever is the subject of the franchise and can even lay down strict rules as to how the franchise is exercised - for example how a logo will be displayed or how the inside of a shop will look
{i} special privilege granted by a government; license to market a company's goods or services; business which has been granted such a license; suffrage, right to vote; immunity, exemption
A franchise or indirect-funding arrangement is usually one in which a student is attributed to an HEI for funding purposes but the course is wholly or partly delivered in an FE college Occasionally, an HEI franchises provision to another HEI (for example, a university to a college of higher education)
(1) A statutory right which could not be exercised in the absence of the statute, such as the statutes enabling persons to form a corporation Since a corporation is created by the statute, it could not be formed except by the grant of the legislature (2) A combination of individual ownership and central control One may own a fast food restaurant, hotel, hardware store, etc , yet use the name of a national company Each individual owner pays for the name use, advertising, and may be required to make certain purchases (napkins, buns, etc ) from the national company The real estate brokerage business was slow to use the franchise method, but now has many companies operating in this manner
The right to vote Japanese in Canada were denied the franchise in provincial elections until 1948 and in federal elections until 1949 Tomekichi Homma unsuccessfully attempted to fight the restriction in 1900 but was eventually denied by the Privy Council of Great Britain in 1902 In 1936 a delegation of four Japanese Canadians appealed unsuccessfully to the Special Committee on Elections and Franchise Acts in the House of Commons
a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote) an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area grant a franchise to
The district or jurisdiction to which a particular privilege extends; the limits of an immunity; hence, an asylum or sanctuary
A legal exemption from jurisdiction
The right of voting at a public election
The membership of a corporation or state; citizenship
The right to vote
Franchise arrangements vary widely for retail pharmacy in Canada The two largest franchises are Shoppers Drug Mart and Jean Coutu While the franchisees (or 'associates' in the case of Shoppers Drug Mart) do not necessarily own the physical store or the fixtures, and master leases are usually held by the franchisor, they enjoy some autonomy in local marketing, buying and in-store services, as well as access to programs developed by head office Franchise pharmacies have some form of revenue-sharing with the head office
A contractual association between a manufacturer, wholesaler, or service organization (a franchiser) and independent businesspeople (franchisees) who buy the right to own and operate one or more units in the franchise system
A provision in freight insurance conditions which exempts the insurer from particular average losses, in any one accident, under 3% The provision is waived if the loss is caused by fire, or by the ship stranding, sinking or being in collision
grant a franchise to
The authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area; the grantor or recipient of such authorization
The authorisation of a manufactory/service provider to distribute his products under an established name This is not a branch of the Franchisors business but a separate business under the original business name The franchise is also run using the original business concept
a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)
Special license that requires the franchisee to work the licensed property under the supervision and control of the franchisor
{f} grant a franchise to an individual or group; grant the right to vote
A particular privilege conferred by grant from a sovereign or a government, and vested in individuals; an immunity or exemption from ordinary jurisdiction; a constitutional or statutory right or privilege, esp
A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls. fast-food franchises Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company
Turkish - English
(Ticaret) franchise
to franchise


    to fran·chise

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı fränçayz


    /tə ˈfranˌʧīz/ /tə ˈfrænˌʧaɪz/


    ... America and came to the Galaxy as a franchise. ...