to fortify

listen to the pronunciation of to fortify
English - Turkish
tahkimat yapmak

Fadil ve Dania ilişkilerini güçlendirmek için her şeyi yapmaya hazırdı. - Fadil and Dania were ready to do anything to fortify their relationship.

{f} -de tahkimat yapmak
{f} -e moral vermek
talikim etmek
güçlendirme yapmak
moral vermek
alkol ilave ederek kuvvetlendirmek
istihkam haline getirmek
(Askeri) TAHKİM ETMEK: Bir nokta mevki veya bölgeyi sahra tahkimatı veya daimi tahkimat ile düşmana karşı savunulacak vaziyete koymak

Fadil ve Dania ilişkilerini güçlendirmek için her şeyi yapmaya hazırdı. - Fadil and Dania were ready to do anything to fortify their relationship.

{f} canlandırmak
{f} alkolle kuvvetlendirmek
teyit etmek
{f} takviye etmek
English - English
To strengthen mentally or morally
To impart strength or vigor to
To increase the effectiveness of, as by additional ingredients
to provide with defensive works
{v} to strengthen, secure, confirm, prepare
To raise defensive works
enclose by or as if by a fortification
To fortify a place means to make it stronger and more difficult to attack, often by building a wall or ditch round it. British soldiers working to fortify an airbase in Bahrain
synonym for Spike
- to make a fort, to provide a fort with defensive works
To increase the defenses of
To strengthen one's position by building barricades with wood, stone, or dirt
To increase the effectiveness of,as by additional ingredients
make strong or stronger; "This exercise will strengthen your upper body"; "strenghten the relations between the two countries"
If food or drink is fortified, another substance is added to it to make it healthier or stronger. It has also been fortified with vitamin C fortified cereal products
{f} garrison, defend; strengthen; reinforce; enrich
To add strength to; to strengthen; to confirm; to furnish with power to resist attack
add alcohol beverages
prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U S is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border"
add nutrients to; "fortified milk"
add nutrients to; "fortified milk" enclose by or as if by a fortification
To strengthen and secure by forts or batteries, or by surrounding with a wall or ditch or other military works; to render defensible against an attack by hostile forces
to fortify


    to for·ti·fy

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı fôrtîfay


    /tə ˈfôrtəˌfī/ /tə ˈfɔːrtɪˌfaɪ/