to form an alliance with other schools

listen to the pronunciation of to form an alliance with other schools
English - English

Definition of to form an alliance with other schools in English English dictionary

form an alliance
create a union; unite
form an alliance
contract an alliance
to form an alliance with other schools


    to form an Al·li·ance with oth·er Schools

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı fôrm ın ılayıns wîdh ʌdhır skulz


    /tə ˈfôrm ən əˈlīəns wəᴛʜ ˈəᴛʜər ˈsko͞olz/ /tə ˈfɔːrm ən əˈlaɪəns wɪð ˈʌðɜr ˈskuːlz/