to follow up

listen to the pronunciation of to follow up
English - Turkish
ardını bırakmamak
(Bilgisayar) izle
takip et

Küresel ısınmayla ilgili konuşmamızı takip etmek istiyorum. - I would like to follow up on our conversation about global warming.

Sosyal görevliden Stevenson ailesi hakkındaki bilgiyi takip etmesi istedi. - The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family.

sonuna kadar götürmek
takip etmek

Küresel ısınmayla ilgili konuşmamızı takip etmek istiyorum. - I would like to follow up on our conversation about global warming.

(başka bir şey yaparak) (bir şeyi) tamamlamak
peşini bırakmamak
izinde olmak
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- izlemek , takip etmek 2- aynı hareketi tekrarlayarak -ın etkisini güçlendirmek , işin peşini bırakmamak
takip eden
takip etme

Sosyal görevliden Stevenson ailesi hakkındaki bilgiyi takip etmesi istedi. - The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family.

Küresel ısınmayla ilgili konuşmamızı takip etmek istiyorum. - I would like to follow up on our conversation about global warming.

tamamlayıcı tedavi

Her şikayeti takip etmeye çalışıyoruz. - We try to follow up on every complaint.

İşin yapıldığından emin olmak için onlarla birlikte takip edeceğim. - I'll follow up with them to make sure that the work gets done.

peşinden gitme
English - English
To take further actions remaining after an event; to continue, revisit, or persist; especially, to maintain communication

Send a letter, then follow up promptly with a telephone call.

The process in which a Help Desk or Support Center employee verifies that the customer's problem or situation has been solved to the customer's satisfaction forecasting staff See staff modeling
Follow up work required after a work order is completed A flag is turned on to remind Call Center staff
An article sent to a newsgroup commenting on a previously posted article
pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"
{i} maintaining contact so as to monitor the effects of earlier activities or treatments; work that comes after previous work; act of following up
increase the effectiveness or success of by further action; "The doctor followed up the surgery with radiation"
increase the effectiveness or success of by further action; "The doctor followed up the surgery with radiation
A message sent to a newsgroup commenting on a previously posted message
If you follow up something that has been said, suggested, or discovered, you try to find out more about it or take action about it. State security police are following up several leads An officer took a statement from me, but no one's bothered to follow it up. see also follow 5, follow-up = investigate
(also reply) To respond to an article by posting a response to the newsgroup See quoting
to follow up


    to fol·low up

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı fälō ʌp


    /tə ˈfälō ˈəp/ /tə ˈfɑːloʊ ˈʌp/


    ... There's a chat room where people are tossing out questions. And this is also a follow-up ...
    ... treatment or follow up. ...