to flop

listen to the pronunciation of to flop
Turkish - Turkish
English - English
floating point operation
A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry
An incident of a certain type of fall; a plopping down
A unit of measure of processor speed, being one floating-point operation per second
A ponded package of dung, as in a cow-flop

Cow flop in a neat package is still cow flop. What did Cable stand to gain from the flood?.

A place to stay, sleep or live. See flophouse

Hugh and the boys playing in beautiful settings with beautiful young babes was a far cry from grungy hippies doing it in a filthy flop house, .

Right, squarely, flat-out
The first three cards turned face-up by the dealer in a community card poker game

The strength of your hand now has nothing to do with how strong it may have been before the flop.

With a flopping sound
To fail completely, not to be successful at all (about a movie, play, book, song etc.)

The latest album flopped and so the studio canceled her contract.

{v} to clap the wings with noise, bear, flap
A flop is a slang term for failure; in the entertainment world, usually referring to a movie or TV show that does not do well, or is expected to do well and falls short
A series of games with five community cards These are called flop games Hold'em and Omaha are two popular flop games The flop is the first three community cards dealt
The first three community cards which are dealt into the centre of the table
fail utterly; collapse; "The project foundered"
the act of throwing yourself down; "he landed on the bed with a great flop"
To clap or strike, as a bird its wings, a fish its tail, etc
To turn suddenly, as something broad and flat
{f} fall heavily, fall with a thud; plunk down; flap back and forth; fail (Slang)
The reverse side of an image
To fail completely, not to be successful at all (about a movie, play, book, song, etc.)
If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful. It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop. = failure
Reversing a transparency or negative so that what was on the right side is now on the left
To rotate an image along a vertical line To turn a negative face down before exposure to a metal plate in order to create a mirror image
an arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers; "this computer can perform a million flops per second"
with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud"
exactly; "he fell flop on his face"
the act of throwing yourself down; "he landed on the bed with a great flop" a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop" someone who is unsuccessful fall suddenly and abruptly fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair" with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud
{i} act of flopping, act of falling heavily; plunk, thud; huge failure (Slang)
If something flops, it is completely unsuccessful. The film flopped badly at the box office. Computer Science. floating-point operation
FLoating point OPeration: An operation is a computer action which is specified by a single computer instruction or a high level language statement, and a floating point operation is an operation made on a floating point number The time used for an average FLOP is a measure of a computer's speed (see Megaflop)
To fall heavily, because lacking energy
Act of flopping
Floating point operations per second A measure of how fast a computer is based on calculations per second A floating point is a number representation consisting of a mantissa, an exponent, and an assumed radix The number represented is M multiplied by R raised to the power of E (M*R^E) where R is the radix or base of the number system (For example, 10 is the radix of the decimal system ) [National Center for Supercomputing Applications, MetaComputer Glossary, Univ of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign 1995] http: //archive ncsa uiuc edu/Cyberia/MetaComp/MetaGlossary html
Turning a negative over to create a mirror image In an electronic environment, flop or mirror is a function that creates a mirror image, either horizontally or vertically, of an image or a portion of an image
In Texas Hold'em, the set of 3 face-up community cards; the first three cards on the board, all dealt at the same time
someone who is unsuccessful
Where two different painted panels appear to be a good match for colour when viewed at a given angle, but which appear different in colour at all other angles Also known as Geometric Metamerism
fall suddenly and abruptly
A swollen lettering situated between the Tag and the Graffiti
a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
If something flops onto something else, it falls there heavily or untidily. The briefcase flopped onto the desk His hair flopped over his left eye
A number of games, such as hold'em and omaha, are played with five community cards The first three of these cards are dealt all at once, and are called the flop Games with a flop can be called flop games To flop a hand is to make that hand on the flop To "see" the flop is to still be in the hand when the flop comes I missed my pre-flop raise, and lost the hand when the big blind made a gutshot on the river
someone who is unsuccessful fall suddenly and abruptly fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"
If you flop into a chair, for example, you sit down suddenly and heavily because you are so tired. Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet She flopped, exhausted, on to a sofa. = collapse
with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud
Floating Point OPeration A processor instruction for a basic operation on floating point numbers Most processors need 1 Flop for addding or multiplying two floating point numbers More complex operations involve a certain number of instructions Flops is the plural of Flop Flop/s is Flops per second wallclock time and is a measure for performance of a piece of program code on a given platform under given conditions Usually, SI prefixes like M (mega = 106) or G (giga = 109) are applied
To strike about with something broad and flat, as a fish with its tail, or a bird with its wings; to rise and fall; as, the brim of a hat flops
(10) - Pokémon with this attack: Magikarp L6
To turn over an image (negative) so that it faces the other way
The color of a finish when viewed from a side angle, other than direct
In Hold'em and Omaha, the first three community cards that are dealt face-up in the center of the table all at one time The "flop" also indicates the second round of betting
A number of games, such as Hold 'Em and Omaha, are played with 5 community cards
fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"
To fall, sink, or throw one's self, heavily, clumsily, and unexpectedly on the ground
PH: a circle on the "leather" or a pommel Flops are the fundamental building bolcks oc a pommel horse routine
The first three community cards, put out face up, all together
to flap
When an images in printed in reverse on a film tool to allow blasting on the back side of glass
to flop