to fling

listen to the pronunciation of to fling
English - Turkish
{f} fırlatmak
{i} deneme

Eğer çamur atmaya gidersen onun birazı sana yapışır. - If you go around flinging mud, some of it will stick to you.

fırlatıp atmak
çılgınça zaman
{f} fırlat

Çocuk göle taşlar fırlatarak zaman geçirdi - The boy passed the time by flinging stones into the lake.

bir İskoç dansı
dışarı fırlamak
fling away dışarı atmak
{i} İskoç dansı
savurmak dalmak
{f} (flung)
çifte atmak
{f} fırlatmak, hızla atmak
{f} (kollarını) savurmak. i
{i} atış
{f} ani hareket etmek
binicisini üstünden atmak öteye beriye sallamak
{i} doya doya eğlenme
{f} girişmek
{i} binicisini atma
{f} fırlamak
{f} atmak
{i} kurtlarını dökme
{f} atılmak
ıskoç dansı
English - English
To throw with violence or quick movement; to hurl
{n} a throw, cast, insinuation, sneer, gibe, jeer
{v} to throw, cast, flounce, baffle, overreach
indulge oneself; "I splurged on a new TV"
If you fling yourself into a particular activity, you do it with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. She flung herself into her career
To shed forth; to emit; to scatter
the act of flinging
A cast from the hand; a throw; also, a flounce; a kick; as, the fling of a horse
throw with force or recklessness; "fling the frisbee"
To cast in the teeth; to utter abusive language; to sneer; as, the scold began to flout and fling
move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa
the act of flinging throw with force or recklessness; "fling the frisbee" move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa
move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa"
If you fling something somewhere, you throw it there using a lot of force. The woman flung the cup at him He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room
Short, often sexual relationship
If you fling someone to the ground, you push them very roughly so that they fall over. The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground
{f} throw; cast; toss, discard; speak sharply or forcefully; involve oneself in an energetic manner; move in an energetic or violent manner
Fling can be used instead of `throw' in many expressions that usually contain `throw'
{i} toss, throw; slinging, casting; short period of total indulgence; reprimand, critical remark; attempt, experiment
A kind of dance; as, the Highland fling
If you fling something into a particular place or position, you put it there in a quick or angry way. Peter flung his shoes into the corner
the act of flinging throw with force or recklessness; "fling the frisbee"
A trifing matter; an object of contempt
To throw; to wince; to flounce; as, the horse began to kick and fling
a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"
To cast, send, to throw from the hand; to hurl; to dart; to emit with violence as if thrown from the hand; as, to fing a stone into the pond
A severe or contemptuous remark; an expression of sarcastic scorn; a gibe; a sarcasm
If two people have a fling, they have a brief sexual relationship. She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago. = affair
To throw one's self in a violent or hasty manner; to rush or spring with violence or haste
If you fling a part of your body in a particular direction, especially your arms or head, you move it there suddenly. She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me. = throw
To throw; to hurl; to throw off or down; to prostrate; hence, to baffle; to defeat; as, to fling a party in litigation
a brief indulgence of your impulses
throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
If you fling yourself somewhere, you move or jump there suddenly and with a lot of force. He flung himself to the floor
to fling