to find acceptance

listen to the pronunciation of to find acceptance
English - Greek
βρίσκουν αποδοχή (vriskoyn apodohi)
English - Spanish
encontrar la aceptación
English - Lehçe
znaleźć akceptacji
English - Italian
Trova accettazione
English - Dutch
ingang vinden
English - Danish
finde accept
English - Russian
Найти признание
English - German
anerkannt werden
Anerkennung finden
Aufnahme finden
English - Swedish
English - Portuguese
encontrar aceitação
English - French
se faire accepter
English - Finnish
saavuttaa luottamusta
to find acceptance


    to find ac·cept·ance

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı faynd äkseptıns


    /tə ˈfīnd akˈseptəns/ /tə ˈfaɪnd ækˈsɛptəns/