to fall into

listen to the pronunciation of to fall into
English - English
To enter something (especially a profession) without having planned it

Most of us didn't plan to be designers, we just fell into the job.

To be classified as; to fall under

That falls into three categories.

To go into something by falling

The cat might fall into the pool if you're not careful.

Be included in or classified as; (synonym) fall under
If you fall into conversation or a discussion with someone, usually someone you have just met, you start having a conversation or discussion with them. Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop
fall into the hands of, be captured by; drop within, descend toward
be included in or classified as; "This falls under the rubric 'various'
be included in or classified as; "This falls under the rubric 'various'"
to fall into


    to Fall in·to

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı fôl întı


    /tə ˈfôl əntə/ /tə ˈfɔːl ɪntə/


    ... to secure all loose nuclear materials so they can never fall into the hands of terrorists, ...