to expound

listen to the pronunciation of to expound
English - Turkish
English - English
To lay open; to expose to view; to examine
{v} to interpret, explain, clear up, lay open
If you expound an idea or opinion, you give a clear and detailed explanation of it. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics. = explain Expound on means the same as expound. Lawrence expounded on the military aspects of guerrilla warfare. to explain or talk about something in detail expound on (espondre, from exponere; EXPOSE)
add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"
To lay open the meaning of; to explain or discuss at length; to clear of obscurity; to interpret
To lay open the meaning of; to explain; to clear of obscurity; to interpret; as, to expound a text of Scripture, a law, a word, a meaning, or a riddle
state; "set forth one's reasons"
{f} explain; describe in detail; comment
to expound


    to ex·pound

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı îkspaund


    /tə əkˈspound/ /tə ɪkˈspaʊnd/