to expand the lecture series into a book

listen to the pronunciation of to expand the lecture series into a book
English - German
aus der Vortragsreihe ein ganzes Buch machen
to expand the lecture series into a book


    to ex·pand the lec·ture se·ries in·to a book

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı îkspänd dhi lekçır sîriz întı ı bûk


    /tə əkˈspand ᴛʜē ˈlekʧər ˈsərēz əntə ə ˈbo͝ok/ /tə ɪkˈspænd ðiː ˈlɛkʧɜr ˈsɪriːz ɪntə ə ˈbʊk/