to date from an event a given epoch

listen to the pronunciation of to date from an event a given epoch
English - German

Definition of to date from an event a given epoch in English German dictionary

to date from
to date from
zurückgehen auf
to date from
stammen vonaus
English - Chinese

Definition of to date from an event a given epoch in English Chinese dictionary

to date from
to date from an event a given epoch


    to date from an e·vent a giv·en ep·och

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı deyt fırm ın ivent ı gîvın ipık


    /tə ˈdāt fərm ən ēˈvent ə ˈgəvən ˈēpək/ /tə ˈdeɪt fɜrm ən iːˈvɛnt ə ˈɡɪvən ˈiːpək/