to cry your eyes out

listen to the pronunciation of to cry your eyes out
English - Spanish
lloran tus ojos
English - Russian
плакать ваши глаза
English - German
Rotz und Wasser heulen
weine dir die Augen aus
English - Lehçe
wypłakiwać oczy
English - Danish
græde øjnene ud
English - Dutch
huil je ogen uit
English - Portuguese
chorar seus olhos para fora
English - Swedish
ropa ut ögonen
English - Finnish
itkeä silmät päästä
English - French
pleurer vos yeux
English - Greek
κραυγή τα μάτια σας έξω (kravg ta matia sas exo)
to cry your eyes out

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı kray yôr ayz aut


    /tə ˈkrī ˈyôr ˈīz ˈout/ /tə ˈkraɪ ˈjɔːr ˈaɪz ˈaʊt/