to copy from one book is plagiarism

listen to the pronunciation of to copy from one book is plagiarism
English - German
Aus einem Buch abzuschreiben, ist Plagiat, aus zehn abzuschreiben, ist Forschung
to copy from one book is plagiarism


    to co·py from one book I·s pla·gia·rism

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı käpi fırm hwʌn bûk îz pleycırîzım


    /tə ˈkäpē fərm ˈhwən ˈbo͝ok əz ˈplāʤərˌəzəm/ /tə ˈkɑːpiː fɜrm ˈhwʌn ˈbʊk ɪz ˈpleɪʤɜrˌɪzəm/