to convalesce

listen to the pronunciation of to convalesce
English - Turkish

Bu yiyecek iyileşme için idealdir. - This food is perfect for a convalescent.

Tom hastalığından sonra okyanusun yanında iyileşti. - Tom convalesced near the ocean after his illness.

(fiil) iyileşmek
nekahet halindeki kimse
{f} nekahet döneminde olmak, iyileşmek
convalescence nekahet
English - English
to recover after a sickness
To recover health and strength gradually, after sickness or weakness; as, a patient begins to convalesce
get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"
To recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness
{f} recover, recuperate, get well
If you are convalescing, you are resting and getting your health back after an illness or operation. After two weeks, I was allowed home, where I convalesced for three months. those convalescing from illness or surgery. = recuperate. to spend time getting well after an illness = recover (convalescere, from com- ( COM-) + valescere )
to convalesce


    to con·va·lesce

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı känvıles


    /tə ˌkänvəˈles/ /tə ˌkɑːnvəˈlɛs/