to commute to work

listen to the pronunciation of to commute to work
English - German
zur Arbeit pendeln
commute to work
Weg zur Arbeit
English - Dutch

Definition of to commute to work in English Dutch dictionary

commute to work
het woon-werkverkeer
English - Spanish

Definition of to commute to work in English Spanish dictionary

commute to work
ir al trabajo
English - Russian

Definition of to commute to work in English Russian dictionary

commute to work
ездить на работу
English - Portuguese

Definition of to commute to work in English Portuguese dictionary

commute to work
comutar para trabalhar
English - Danish

Definition of to commute to work in English Danish dictionary

commute to work
pendler til arbejde
English - Lehçe

Definition of to commute to work in English Lehçe dictionary

commute to work
dojeżdża do pracy
English - Swedish

Definition of to commute to work in English Swedish dictionary

commute to work
pendla till arbetet
English - Finnish

Definition of to commute to work in English Finnish dictionary

commute to work
matkustaa töihin
English - French

Definition of to commute to work in English French dictionary

commute to work
se rendre au travail
English - Greek

Definition of to commute to work in English Greek dictionary

commute to work
ανταλάσσει για να εργαστεί (antalassei ga na ergstei)
English - Italian

Definition of to commute to work in English Italian dictionary

commute to work
andare al lavoro
to commute to work


    to com·mute to work

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı kımyut tı wırk


    /tə kəˈmyo͞ot tə ˈwərk/ /tə kəˈmjuːt tə ˈwɜrk/