to combust

listen to the pronunciation of to combust
English - Turkish

İçten yanmalı motorlar, yakıt ve hava karışımını yakarlar. - Internal combustion engines burn a mixture of fuel and air.

Tom'un gübre yığını o kadar çok ısındı ki o kendiliğinden yaktı. - Tom's compost heap got so hot that it spontaneously combusted.

çılgına dönmek
English - English
In close conjunction with the sun (so that its astrological influence is "burnt up"), sometimes specified to be within 8 degrees 30'

Guianerius had a patient could make Latin verses when the moon was combust, otherwise illiterate.

(deyim) Get very angry and fly into a rage
cause to become violent or angry; "Riots combusted Pakistan after the U S air attacks on Afghanistan"
To burn; to catch fire
Burnt; consumed
get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"
start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously"
cause to become violent or angry; "Riots combusted Pakistan after the U
air attacks on Afghanistan
undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"
{s} burnt, singed; being obscured by proximity to the sun (Astronomy, Archaic)
cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"
So near the sun as to be obscured or eclipsed by his light, as the moon or planets when not more than eight degrees and a half from the sun
to combust


    to com·bust

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı kımbʌst


    /tə kəmˈbəst/ /tə kəmˈbʌst/