to catch attention

listen to the pronunciation of to catch attention
English - Dutch
trekken de aandacht
English - Spanish
llamar la atención
English - Portuguese
chamar a atenção
English - Russian
привлечь внимание
English - Finnish
saalis huomiota
English - Greek
προσελκύσουν την προσοχή (proselkysoyn tin prosohi)
English - German
aufmerksam werden
catch Aufmerksamkeit
English - Danish
skaber opmærksomhed
English - Swedish
fånga uppmärksamhet
English - Italian
catturare l'attenzione
English - Lehçe
przyciąga uwagę
English - French
attirer l'attention
to catch attention


    to catch at·ten·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı käç ıtenşın


    /tə ˈkaʧ əˈtensʜən/ /tə ˈkæʧ əˈtɛnʃən/