to cancel an item from accounts

listen to the pronunciation of to cancel an item from accounts
English - German

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English German dictionary

cancel an item
Abbrechen eines Elements
English - Spanish

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Spanish dictionary

cancel an item
cancelar un tema
English - Russian

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Russian dictionary

cancel an item
отменить пункт
English - Finnish

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Finnish dictionary

cancel an item
peruuttaa kohde
English - Italian

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Italian dictionary

cancel an item
cancellare una voce
English - French

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English French dictionary

cancel an item
d'annuler un article
English - Portuguese

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Portuguese dictionary

cancel an item
anulação de um item
English - Swedish

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Swedish dictionary

cancel an item
avbryta ett objekt
English - Lehçe

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Lehçe dictionary

cancel an item
anulować pozycji
English - Greek

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Greek dictionary

cancel an item
ακυρώσει ένα στοιχείο (akyrosei ena stoiheio)
English - Danish

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Danish dictionary

cancel an item
annullere et emne
English - Dutch

Definition of to cancel an item from accounts in English Dutch dictionary

cancel an item
annuleren van een item
English - Chinese
to cancel an item from accounts


    to can·cel an i·tem from accounts

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı känsıl ın aytım fırm ıkaunts


    /tə ˈkansəl ən ˈītəm fərm əˈkounts/ /tə ˈkænsəl ən ˈaɪtəm fɜrm əˈkaʊnts/