to break the bad news gently to somebody

listen to the pronunciation of to break the bad news gently to somebody
English - French

Definition of to break the bad news gently to somebody in English French dictionary

to the bad
dans le mauvais
English - German
jdm. die schlechte Nachricht schonend beibringen
to break the bad news gently to somebody


    to break the bad news gen·tly to some·bo·dy

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı breyk dhi bäd nyuz centli tı sʌmbıdi


    /tə ˈbrāk ᴛʜē ˈbad ˈnyo͞oz ˈʤentlē tə ˈsəmbədē/ /tə ˈbreɪk ðiː ˈbæd ˈnjuːz ˈʤɛntliː tə ˈsʌmbədiː/