to blanket

listen to the pronunciation of to blanket
English - Turkish

Tom, bir battaniye ve bir yastık istedi. - Tom asked for a blanket and a pillow.

Yeni battaniyeler yoksullara dağıtıldı. - New blankets were distributed to the poor.

{f} örtmek

Hayal kırıklığına uğratıcı duyuruyu duyduklarında herkese bir sessizlik örtüsü düştü. - A blanket of silence fell over everyone when they heard the disappointing announcement.

Bu battaniye ile yaralı adamı örtün. - Cover up the injured man with this blanket.

{s} kapsamlı
bütün olasılıkları içeren
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) (Matbaacılık) Ofset baskı kauçuğu, ofset baskı sisteminde görüntüyü kalıptan kağıda aktaran meteryal
{f} kapsamak
{f} battaniyeye sarmak
geminin rüzgâ
{s} genel
{f} örtbas etmek
birkaç şeyi veya durumu kapsayan
{f} battaniye ile örtmek
{f} engel olmak
{f} susturmak
ince bir tabaka halinde olan bir şey
(Askeri) SİS ÖRTÜSÜ: Kıtaları ve harekatı örten sis, bulut veya duman örtüsü
{s} geniş kapsamlı
geniş çapta içine almak
üstüne örtü çekmek
(Nükleer Bilimler) fertil tabaka,örtü,blanket
{f} sarıp sarmalamak
{f} battaniye ile zıplatmak
mâni olmak
English - English
A thick rubber mat used in the offset printing process to transfer ink from the plate to the paper being printed

A press operator must carefully wash the blanket whenever changing a plate.

To traverse or complete thoroughly

The salesman blanketed the entire neighborhood.

In general; covering or encompassing everything

They sought to create a blanket solution for all situations.

A cloth, usually large, used for warmth while sleeping or resting

The little boys in the front bedroom had thrown off their blankets and lay under the sheets.

A layer of anything

The city woke under a thick blanket of fog.

To cover

I see the moon go off watch, and the darkness begin to blanket the river.

{v} to cover with, or toss, a blanket
{n} a woollen covering for a bed
On offset presses a fabric-reinforced sheet of rubber to transfer the impression from the plate onto the paper
[in printing] a rubber surfaced fabric which is clamped around the cylinder of a press to which the image is transferred from the plate and from which it is transferred to the paper
A layer of fertile nuclear material, such as uranium-238 or thorium-232, placed around the fuel core of a reactor During operation of the reactor, material in the blanket absorbs neutrons and decays, with products forming fissionable material
emphasis You use blanket to describe something when you want to emphasize that it affects or refers to every person or thing in a group, without any exceptions. There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan. = comprehensive see also electric blanket, security blanket, wet blanket. to cover something with a thick layer be blanketed in/with sth
To blank out or obscure weak radio signals by a stronger signal
To cover with a blanket
If something such as snow blankets an area, it covers it. More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan
A blanket of something such as snow is a continuous layer of it which hides what is below or beyond it. The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow Cold damp air brought in the new year under a blanket of fog
In offset lithography, a flexible fabric clamped around the cylinder, which transfers the image from plate to paper
A heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually of wool, and having a nap, used in bed clothing; also, a similar fabric used as a robe; or any fabric used as a cover for a horse
The part of the alpaca that would be covered if you threw a blanket on its back that hung down almost to its belly and covered it from shoulders to tail Prime fiber comes from the blanket area
Single limit for all buildings and business personal property insured under a policy
One requisition per order and many deliveries
I'm any rat that covers another rat (or rats) Those rats are my "pillow "
To toss in a blanket by way of punishment
anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric which is clamped around a cylinder, to which the image is transferred from the plate, and from which it is transferred to the paper
a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor
form a blanket-like cover (over)
a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
{i} bed covering, quilt
An identifier in Yellow, Pink or Blue worn by a hound during its course
A layer or layers of graded fine stones underlying a breakwater, groyne or rock embankment to prevent the natural bed material being washed away
In offset lithography, the rubber-surfaced roller which transfers the image from plate to paper
In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric that is clamped around a cylinder The image is transferred from the plate to the blanket, and from there, transferred to the paper
A fabric coated with a rubber or synthetic surface which is wrapped around the blanket cylinder on a press The print image is transferred on this blanket from the printing plate to the paper
A cloth, usually large, used for warmth or sleeping
bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep" a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow" cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields" form a blanket-like cover (over)
a streambed protection placed adjacent to abutments and piers and covering the streambed for an adequate distance to resist scour; a deposit of stones of varying sizes or a timber framework loaded with stones or adaptable ballasting material for ballasting and protecting from displacement
cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"
A rubber surfaced cylinder on offset presses that receives and transfers the inked image from plate to paper
a sheet made of rexine or rubber that covers the impression cylinder of a press
A piece of rubber, felt, or woolen cloth, used in the tympan to make it soft and elastic
Rubber-coated pad, mounted on a cylinder of an offset press, that receives the inked image from the plate and transfers it to the surface to be printed
A fabric-reinforced sheet of rubber used on offset presses to transfer the impression from the plate onto the paper
n selimut
a covering on the print cylinder of an offset press The blanket receives the impression image from the printing plate and transfers it to the paper
A streak or layer of blubber in whales
{s} comprehensive, inclusive
{f} cover, coat
In offset printing,the rubberized surface which carries the image from the plate to the paper by rotating on a cylinder between the two
broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T G Winner; "granted him wide powers"
> maotan
To take the wind out of the sails of (another vessel) by sailing to windward of her
A blanket is a large square or rectangular piece of thick cloth, especially one which you put on a bed to keep you warm
bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"
This fabric reinforced rubber sheet is used on our presses to transfer the image from the printing plate to the paper
Turkish - English
(Teknik,Tekstil) print back cloth
(Teknik,Tekstil) printer's felt
printer's blanket
to blanket


    to blan·ket

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı blängkıt


    /tə ˈblaɴɢkət/ /tə ˈblæŋkət/