to be required to refrain from doing something

listen to the pronunciation of to be required to refrain from doing something
English - German
aufgefordert werden, etwas zu unterlassen
etw. zu unterlassen haben
auf etwas verzichten müssen
to be to
be required to
erforderlich zu sein
English - French

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English French dictionary

be required to
être tenus de
English - Greek

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English Greek dictionary

be required to
υποχρεούνται να (ypohreoyntai na)
English - Portuguese

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English Portuguese dictionary

be required to
ser obrigado a
English - Danish

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English Danish dictionary

be required to
være forpligtet til at
to be required
at være nødvendig
to be to
være at
English - Italian

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English Italian dictionary

be required to
essere tenuto a
English - Spanish

Definition of to be required to refrain from doing something in English Spanish dictionary

be required to
la obligación de
to be required to refrain from doing something


    to be re·quired to re·frain from do·ing some·thing

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı bi rikwayrd tı rîfreyn fırm duîng sʌmthîng


    /tə bē rēˈkwīrd tə rəˈfrān fərm ˈdo͞oəɴɢ ˈsəmᴛʜəɴɢ/ /tə biː riːˈkwaɪrd tə rɪˈfreɪn fɜrm ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/