to be not half bad

listen to the pronunciation of to be not half bad
English - Turkish

Definition of to be not half bad in English Turkish dictionary

Not half bad
Çok iyi./Hiç fena değil
not half bad
hiç fena olmayan
not half bad
hiç fena değil

Güveç hiç fena değildi. - The stew was not half bad.

not half bad
hiç de fena olmayan
English - English

Definition of to be not half bad in English English dictionary

not half bad
Pretty good; okay; decent

It was his first attempt at cooking, but I tried it and it was not half bad.

not half bad
not all bad, not completely negative
to be not half bad

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı bi nät häf bäd


    /tə bē ˈnät ˈhaf ˈbad/ /tə biː ˈnɑːt ˈhæf ˈbæd/